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The Drummerboy

1069 Posts
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Democracy In Action
4/20/2007 11:48:44 AM
FDA Regulators Using Legal Trickery to Kill Alternative Procedures and Products

The FDA is using legal maneuvering to end your access to natural health products (like vitamins, minerals and herbs) and natural health therapies of all sorts. Again. This time, their ploy is to declare the therapies are "Medicine" so any non-physician who uses them will be practicing medicine without a license. Since these practices are "Medicine", any products used would be untested drugs and therefore forbidden.

Your Comments are Vitally Important!

Public, professional and industry comments are being accepted on the FDA proposal to "capture" alternative procedures and products as "medicine" and then make them illegal. The history of these repressive attacks by the FDA makes it clear that public outcry, IN HUGE NUMBERS, is the only effective tool that natural health supporters have to change this disastrous outcome. Comments will be accepted until April 30. By contacting everyone you can reach to ask for their participation in this comment campaign, we can kill this assault on personal health freedom.

Please urge everyone in your personal and professional circles of influence to protect their health freedom -- their personal right to make their own health choices.

It is important to take a moment to email the manufacturers of the health care products you take an ask them to alert their suppliers and customer base to protect their businesses. Your natural health care providers need to alert their patients and colleagues, too.

Thanks for your activism!

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Neil Reinhardt

1314 Posts
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Re: Democracy In Action
4/21/2007 2:36:22 AM
Hi Brian, Thanks for posting this. I signed the petition and I will spread the word about this forum. Neil
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Dave Cottrell

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Re: Democracy In Action
4/21/2007 4:48:49 AM
Hi Brian, Thanks for posting this. I posted it about a week ago, and have seen very little response. I hope you're more successful, as what people DO NOT seem to realize is that for those in the health supplement industry, this could mean the END of their businesses, and for those who rely on health supplements (most of us) as part of our daily health regimen, it could mean the END of our supply. Everyone MUST remember that the drug industry is a HUGE lobby group that wants to keep people alive and SICK, not alive and healthy. They don't make any money off healthy people, nor do they make any long term money off CURES. God bless, Dave
Re: Democracy In Action
4/21/2007 6:56:24 AM
I'm with you. It's signed, sealed and delivered!
I have a house for sale. Please take a look and tell your Florida-bound friends. I will pay the person who refers a qualified buyer. Thanks, Joan
Re: Democracy In Action
4/21/2007 10:25:20 AM

Hi Brian,

I've already sent this out to my entire database a few times.  Thanks for making everyone at ADL aware that we need to FIGHT this.  One of my main businesses deals with 100% natural wholefood products and I am personally outraged.

Have a great day every day!

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