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Dave Cottrell

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Re: Bizarre Behavior on Adlandpro
4/20/2007 4:25:03 AM
Hi Leon, It would not hurt at all for a free member to approach Bogdan on something like that. He has always been very approachable, and a good listener. Any input that has the potential to help the community is valuable to him, and as a good businessman AND a gentleman, he doesn't tend to just brush things off. God bless, Dave
Re: Bizarre Behavior on Adlandpro
4/20/2007 5:38:21 AM
Hello Dave and all,

First, WOW! What a topic. One that, for sure, needs to be out in the open. And, Dave, thank you for letting me know about this thread. I wasn't aware of it.

There is a fine line between self-promotion and the action of "Look at me and what I've done". The types of posts and the messeges one sends will reflect the way another person views that individual.

Another point is the tools one uses to do this.

A person with a forum needs to set clear the rules of that forum. An example is between a couple of forums I have.

Network Marketing Advice Forum. It is a moderated forum to start and it is strickly for questions and advise on network marketing. No ads allowed. Not even a link to ask about a program. A forum for clear advise to fit any general situation.

Then I have MegaTraffic Forum that is set up for promotions and advise that are run by me and the businesses I represent.

As part of my membership here at AdlandPro I know I have a choice to how I choose to use the tools. As above, one forum purely for advising and the other for promoting.

The PM service is way over used to promote by many members. Direct Contact in my understanding is similar to an opt-in list and anyone can opt out from your mailings at anytime.

Now that I stated the tools let's look at behavior. The mindset will dictate a person's behavior. Certain people only think in terms of 'me' and not think of what it looks like from another set of eyes. Some people are not set for success.

Think of a child in a candy store left alone. Without proper training or previous experience that child will fill up on candy until they are sick. And leave a mess for someone to deal with.

Now, let's look at adults. This becomes even more obvious that some minds are not trained properly. They get a taste of something that gives them results and then they go overboard; to a point they don't realize the results are becoming detrimental to what the goal is. Mostly, this is lack of training with a touch of "I don't give a rat's a$$". (benefit of the doubt here.)

As for the voting for and promoting the BEST FORUMS it has been taken, again, from a good idea and skewed by the few that think they need to win a popularity contest. The same person(s) that are like the child in the candy store. They don't know when to stop and do leave a mess for us to deal with.

I'll lastly say that Bogdan has given us a platform that we can be a part of and fully control our side of. But for us all to say let's go to Bogdan all the time when something isn't right to us let's look at what 'I' did to try and prevent it, stop it or not allowed it to start in the first place.

Once we have gone through all the possible options that we have control of and we see the problem still exists then we need to approach Bogdan saying there is a problem with the program. He can control the program but cannot control the actions of others, unless extreme and totally against the terms of service.

Dave, great rant and glad you opened this up for discussion.
Sandy Morgan

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Re: Bizarre Behavior on Adlandpro
4/20/2007 9:19:17 AM
I don't partcipate in popularity contests. I also don't like being forced to post once  month in my own forum, or lose it. If I have something important to say, I'll say it...
Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Bizarre Behavior on Adlandpro
4/20/2007 12:15:39 PM

Hello Dave,

First of all let me express my joy to see you and I very much hope now everything is better and OK with and around your health! It is such a long time since I couldn't get online more then reading a few things; I'm glad I didn't delete this forum invite because I coud get out to you and to some of my favorite friends :-) Nice to see you all!

Then I think this topic is indeed gret; I've got these kind of mails even from the very beggining of the POW and I can see very well how you feel! I did the same than!

Unfortunately now I have to run!

Wish you the best and see you soon (I hope more - from my part I mean!)

With friendship,


Re: Bizarre Behavior on Adlandpro
4/20/2007 12:51:24 PM

Rant On, Dave!

I haven't been bothered much with that sort of thing, but if it's a blatant 'Vote For Me' in the subject line, it gets deleted.

I think we're exposed to politics enough in the media and most of that goes in the trash, too!


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