Hello Terry
Forgive me not replying sooner but this has been yet another of those crazy weeks!!!
I agree with you totally and I think you are absolutely right when you say that it is when we learn to let go that we can cope better.
Meditation is an excellent practice to learn how to focus and let go. It helps us put things into perspective and prioritise. It, also, teaches us that ultimately, in this life, the most important thing is our spiritual being and our connection with the Divine being.
When we learn that the infinite love is always with us to guide us and protect us then nothing in this world can ever hurt us again. Somehow, all banal things lose their meaning and importance. The path is cleared of clutter and resolutions become obvious.
Fear and worry are the worst evils in the world, harmful to mind, body and soul. Through meditation practices all fears and worries become minimised, if not eliminated, because we can plainly see that nothing is worth the heartache we ascribe to it through human nature.
You are right ... we are all unique and we are all special and there is no-one on this planet who isn't loved by the Higher Being.
Nobody will ever be like anyone else and WE should be the most important person in this world to ourselves because if we can't love ourselves and take care of ourselves, we could never love and take care of others.
Have a beautiful sunday lovely lady.