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John Partington

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Re: The Naked Truth ...
4/19/2007 3:03:19 PM

Hi Kenneth,

Great post, in fact its that good I don't think I can add anything to it except to say I agree with everything you say.

Keep up with the good work.

Best Wishes


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Dave Cottrell

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Re: The Naked Truth ...
4/20/2007 3:59:30 AM
Hi Kenneth, What an excellent, excellent post! You can't imagine what a breath of fresh air it is for me. (I just posted something similar called Bizarre Behavior on Adlandpro and Jenny was very kind to post your link there. I don't know how I missed it!) It seems that we most certainly share common beliefs. The other part I see are claims and postings that use Christianity and Christian beliefs to sway the readers into believing these people of their behavior, their products/services and that anything they say is the truth all in all. I am a man that believes in God and Jesus but I do not use it as a selling tool. Nor do I make claims of being anything holy. I am a mortal. You are a mortal. We are all children of God and are all on equal footing in God's eyes. Amen and amen. When I had my brick and mortar business, I dealt with people of all beliefs, ideas, backgrounds, income levels, education, etc., and the saddest thing I discovered is that those who openly claimed to be Christians were often, by far, the very worst people I could imagine dealing with! On the other hand, thankfully, I often found out that some of the very best people I dealt with were people who quietly LIVED their Christian life without carrying a big sign announcing it to the world. Their way of behaving and doing things was a wonderful and powerful statement by itself. Everyone who IS a Christian needs to understand, as you have so well put, that we are all mortal. The difference between a Christian and a non-Christian is NOT goodness, but a realization of NOT being good and accepting by faith the work of the only one who IS good enough to purchase our pardon. Thank you for sticking your neck out! God bless, Dave
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: The Naked Truth ...
4/20/2007 4:46:24 AM


The only answer is  to block people.  They come to forums like this and Dave's don't read and post, going merrily on their way.  What we say has no effect on them.  Approaching them with truth does not penetrate their ego. 

When I have to delete 30 forums in one day  with information included just  as you have described then I finally give up and have used the block button. But I will see it on other threads. My only other option is to leave Adlandpro and the many good parts of Adlandpro are thrown out. 

We use the phrase "Don't throw out the baby with the bath water" but it is quickly coming to that. It is one thing to be deceitful but to throw it in my face constantly soon makes me believe they are right and I am wrong.  If you hear deceit long enough it becomes the truth after we absorb enough of it.


Re: The Naked Truth ...
4/20/2007 7:03:38 AM

Hi folks:

Ms. Mary, please.... stay calm. In fact, let's all do the same. Those that do as you noted thrive on the attention the chaos they create brings them. I say, allow them to do as they have been doing. In this way,  will have another person to pray for.

Now about sex, drugs and rock and roll...oh...sorry...that's another thread...

Have a nice say...I mean day...

Maureen and Gregory/Interns on Duty


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Bill Brown

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Re: The Naked Truth ...
4/20/2007 10:26:50 AM

Hi Ken

An excellent post.

Personally I Have never hidden my identity on the Internet my name is and has been associated with my Internet id bjantiques since I first started several years ago.

Personally I support no specific religion, I have my own beliefs that have come about through my world wide travels and intermingling with people of all races, colors, and  beliefs, and being open minded enough to listen to what they have to say.  All I can say to those that play the holier than thou game in words they will understand is "You will reap what you sow when your time comes if not sooner".

I have dealt with some of the biggest sharks the Internet has known. They all met their downfall eventually as people realized they were nothing more than con artists. Yes it took us all time to realize it as they were very convincing but in the end they fell just as many more will fall.


