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Joe Severa

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Re: How To Create Your Own Destiny
5/30/2007 8:28:24 AM

Hello Joe:

I just realized that we're NOT ALP friends, me bad!

I'm quite a bit older than most of you on this forum, although you'd never think so if you saw me play competitive tennis with guys (& gals) 30, 35, even 40 yrs. younger than myself, God is good!

Unlike most Sr. Citizens living down here in Florida, we have a 6 figure home mrtg., so working 24/7 is my chore, & luckily I prefer work to boring retirement. Not so my bride of 50yrs., she's happy as a Sr. debutante, LOL.

Just last week our son decided to discourage us from seeking out a Reverse Mrtg., which we finally qualified for in Brevard County. He instead wants to buy our Townhouse at the market, which not only pays off a 6 fig. mrtg., but puts another 6 figs. in our accts & will undoubtedly raise our present standard of living considerably.

We never dreamed that after what the IRS did to us way back in the mid '80's that we'd be FREE & Clear like this. Did we dream this, or has God, through our wonderful son's generousity, provided us with a 2nd chance? "How to Create Your Own Destiny," at work? No, we decided NOT to burden our kids with college loans in the 70's, Rich owed zippo when he graduated, Sharon only $7.5K as I got downsized the last year of her college education.

I guess you could say that when you raise your children right, they join their parents in this quest for destiny as a family, & our 4 darling grandchildren will now benefit as well.

Sorry for the tome, but reading about everyone else's dreams & destiny pursuits had me reflect & share, my wife would never do something like this in a million years; but if feels great to me t/b perfectly honest!

Love you all a bunch,

Joe Severa


Joe Severa, Owner Flexera Intl Ltd. ANA/DSHEA Certified
Re: How To Create Your Own Destiny
5/30/2007 11:43:25 AM

Dear Terry!

Thank you for your nice words. I am a little handicapped due to my bad written English, but I`ll do my the best to explain what is of the utmost importance for a one `dream weaver`. For the first I have to tell that there`s no one place/school/spiritual path/etc... where we can learn it 100%.  The only one place for our full self development is placed within our heart-mind-will. Experiences from others, illuminated, educated...etc., can help us. Sometimes one word can  suggest  us a way where we have to seek to find fractured parts of our being, but all what is ever written, imagined, experienced is not enough  for us to be guided through it. We cann`t forget that each man has his own signature. So, each man has his own program packed within DNA. Dr Deepak Chopra said that `cell is a memory which has created a  material around itself `. In other words, when we look at sky we can see a billions of stars. Each star, looking at Earth, can see a billions of humans. Each of us is created just like a star, and we all have paradigm as stars: without own light, we give our space to some...(now I miss a right English phrase...) to shine through us.

The most useful pages about this you can find here There are over 1000 pages, and it`s not easy to go through them.  A new history of Earth and a humans can be found here. But it`s important to keep in mind that all what we have to know, to do, to discover etc. is already within our cellular memory.

So, my dream weaving started when I have aligned (attuned) with my Full Consciousness Being through my opened hearth. It`s my guidance. It educates me and explains me how to be responsible with all my Power, and how to weave my dream. This was not recommended  (suggested) in any of who-knows-how-many spiritual schools/metaphysical schools or points of view through which I have passed, seeking for myself. This has discovered me when I was enough free of dogmatic etc...influence; enough free to accept  something what Jesus Christ said over 2000 years ago: `Do not expect a Divine`s Empire to come from somewhere out of you; it is within your chests.`

I hope this can be helpful.

Many blessings to you !


Judy Smith

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Re: How To Create Your Own Destiny
5/30/2007 12:18:14 PM

Hi Terry, et al!!!

Wow, 2 of my Joe friends are now friends - isn't that a dream come true (yes, there is a pun intended)?

This discussion has taken a couple of wild turns since I last visited.  I am a dreamer of the simplest kind.  Sometimes, I feel like a Peter Pan.  I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up and I will be 60 early next year.  There are a lot of things I have always dreamed about doing. 

My biggest and most frequently visited dream is wanting to build and open the largest and most effective drug and alcohol treatment center in the State of Pennsylvania.  So, because that will take millions of dollars, lots of approvals, land, a building and a couple of years of forming a board and planning and I don't have one the the many millions it will taketo get started, am I going to let go of the dream?  I am just a little too much like Joe D to let that happen. 

 The more people I tell about the dream, the more discussion - even arguments I get into over the $$, the pros and cons, the actual reality of it - the more real it seems to me.  I now have others sharing the dream with me and the more people I tell about how it's going to happen, the closer I get to making it a reality.  (My hubby says I should make sure there is a Nursing Home on the grounds too since that is where I will need to be staying when it finally happens).  Ok - so that is the biggy and compared to that one, my other dreams are tiny and small, but I follow through with all of them, I never brush any of them aside because I don't think I am deserving of it - on the contrary - the more I dream them, the more deserving I feel and the more I share them, the more people I have for support and to share in them with me.  Create the Destiny?  Well, it is a start!!

I sort of rushed through this due to time constraints, but after reading what Joe S had to share and relating to Joe D in his astronautical adventures (I want to be there at launch time, Joe), I had to share this - especially on this forum. 

Now I have to run off to a meeting - which will be boring and I can do some day-dreaming.

Hugs to all of you!

Joe Downing

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Re: How To Create Your Own Destiny
5/30/2007 12:41:01 PM

Bravo!!!!  A dream is like a shed or even a grand mansion or better yet a palace.   Your dream should be set at the level you would want to end up with.  If the shed is okay with you, that may be what you settle with.  If the palace is really what you want, then endure what it takes to have it... don't settle because you don't have the money.  When you paint your dream in your heart and others can see it, the right connections will appear and help make it happen.  If you have not watched the Secret, watch it this weekend. 

I look at my dream as a building.  I cannot cap the roof until the foundation has been built first.  I can have a vision of capping it, but I know that the foundation, then the frame, then the roof.  So, endure your dream.  If it were my dream, I would be discussing everything.  Discus the money, discuss the best land to have, discuss the style of the building, discuss the types of doctors, counsilors, employees that should be there.  Discuss the color schemes.  Discuss the food to be served in the cafeterias.  Discuss the movies to show. Discuss what the floors will look like.  Discuss what the plaque will read at the front entrance.  Discuss how many tennis courts will be out back.  Discuss the fun room.  Discuss the activities that will be available.  Discuss the atrium that will be built for a place to go to reflect.  Discuss how many lives it will make a difference for.

Discuss it all.  It is your dream!!!!!  I can see how awesome it will be and you will have started it all... because it is in your heart.  My heart can see it, feel it and I am smiling for you.  Wow!  YOU ARE AWESOME!

***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE
Judy Smith

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Re: How To Create Your Own Destiny
5/30/2007 3:19:37 PM

You know it, Joe.  The right connections is what it will take and the whole point of all the discussions.  Someday one of those discussions will lead to the right person who will see the same vision I do and we will climb to the first floor and out of the basement foundation of my mansion!!  Hadn't thought about an atrium - good idea though and I will add it on to the list. There is a greenhouse in the plans though - the long termers will need the satisfaction of growth.

Whole point - and a whole different forum:  Dreaming can eventually lead to making life changing differences in the lives of others.  So I will contiune to dream, talk and plan, and draw and look at colors and make notes!! 

Thanks for the encouragement, my friend.  Wish you were here in PA - Your vision of it is so close to mine.  Yes, when I close my eyes I can see it.  My son, the architect has promised me an artistic rendering of the buidling in my mind. In the meantime, I have the old old victorian mansion picture that brought me some of the original dream. 

Your encouragement made my day!!  I don't know what else to say except YOU ARE SIMPLY THE BEST!!! 


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Eleanor Roosevelt  


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