Hi Amanda,
Our friends all thought we were crazy when we used (and reused and reused) cloth diapers for all our children.
Not only is it actually much better for the baby's skin, cloth diapers eventually wear out, but will easily and quickly decompose, since they're made out of cotton.
On the other hand, I shudder to think how many tons of chemical filled and plastic covered disposable diapers are buried in landfills around the globe!
It is interesting that the same media that brings us all the doom and gloom about global warming are the ones who convinced thousands and thousands of moms around the world that disposable diapers are better than cotton ones, and that manufactured baby formula is better than mother's milk. Are these the people we believe without question? Hmmmmm...
While the long term evidence tends to suggest that the damage we do to our environment has a minimal long term effect, what we tend to forget is that when we spew garbage into our air, water and ground we are killing ourselves NOW! It stands to reason that if you can see the air you're breathing and have to pour toxic chemicals into your drinking water to make it "safe" for human consumption, something is drastically wrong.
Have a great weekend, Amanda.
God bless,