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Re: Age is an issue of mind over matter...
7/7/2005 10:52:26 PM
This a great Discussion. All my life my best friend was my grandmother. She is 99 this year and still going strong. (There is a picture of her last year in my photo album on my web site) She always told me that she felt 21 in her mind. I may be only 47 (almost anyways) but I can relate to what she said. My oldest son is going to be 23 this year and I still feel that age myself. I'm prematurely grey, and unfortunately out of shape, and suffering from arthritis, but otherwise I feel as young as I did 30 years ago, (can't believe I can say 30 years ago :o) Any way age has never frightened me...maybe because of my grandmother...but without this time we spend aging we would never have had all those chances to make all the mistakes we have made, which is what we needed to do to gain the experience we needed to become the people we are today. Hope that made the sense I intended it to. :o)
Re: Age is an issue of mind over matter...
7/7/2005 10:53:13 PM
Hi John, Agree with your post!I couldn't say it better myself,esp.I like part about attitude. Very true, my thing! That's all for now... I guess, I'm tired and have to go....(not "old age" yet, no!) Take care, Ania
Michael Rogers

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Re: Age is an issue of mind over matter...
7/8/2005 3:04:46 AM
Hello Bogdan, Thank you for this invitation. Your only as young as you feel ! But the main key, is to stay as active as you can, physically, and mentally. respectfully,
Re: Age is an issue of mind over matter...
7/8/2005 5:46:38 AM
Hello Bogdan, Age has never been important to me. Infact when ever I have been asked my age I have always had to work it out from when I was born! Its only in recent years that one tends to think "Am I really that old, where did it all go!" To me age is like wine, it matures with time but it's not so much the years that count but the quality and flavour of the wine that is more important. In the end does it really matter as long as we enjoy it along the way.
Re: Age is an issue of mind over matter...
7/19/2005 2:05:46 PM
I consider myself a living testimony of your quotation. I am 80, years young. Yes! 80, years young because I am still doing what I did when I was 30, years old – dancing the night away, singing, swimming, etc., etc. My doctor is amazed that my Blood Pressure is normal; I have no sugar or arthritis pain. Of course, I do catch a Cold Now and then and I wear Spectacles sometimes for reading the very fine print. It is said that if you did all the right things to keep fit up to age 40 you should enjoy your lives with out the aches and pains that people, generally, have come to expect at 70, years and beyond... I have proved that beyond the shadow of a doubt for I became health conscious at age 26. From that point up to age 50, years I did Yoga Exercises regularly and still do except the more strenuous ones. I became a member of the Health Sciences Institute and followed most of their advice about eating healthy foods, exercising, resting and keeping away from stressful activities. I am also conscious of My dependence on a Universal Intelligence, called God, etc. as the source of my being. I make sure and talk to Him, first, every morning when I roll out of bed, usually at 5, a.m. then I go for a 4-mile walk to the beach. To God be the glory, my wife and I am still doing almost everything we did at age. 30, although she continues to remind me that we are far from age 30. Finally, in medical circles it is said that human beings have both a Mind and a Physical Body and that the Mind Body controls the Physical Body; so, my Aulander friends, think young and you will do all the things that are necessary to keep you young and vibrant as long as you live. Rudolph and Joyce