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Tim Southernwood

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Have I "Cried WOLF" too many times?
4/11/2007 1:35:32 PM

Hey peeps!

I know that I've been presenting a few business ops this past while, and I'm just wondering, is Adland so very saturated with ads that nobody even cares to look anymore?
I've personally never suggested anything that I didn't strongly believe would help anyone make money online, and I've NEVER felt any stronger about anything than what I'm promoting now.

If you aren't already with us in SiteWizardSEO, I highly recommend that you position yourself today! Here's My Link

This isn't to distract you from your focus on your other business, this is to show you a method to make YOUR affiliate site burn up with traffic. With so many other affiliates in all the various systems, getting traffic to YOUR pages will be your greatest challenge.

The Traffic I speak of is of the HIGHEST quality, fresh, and motivated to buy.


(would it bother you to know at the same time you are opening up other additional income sources at the same time as increasing your traffic?!)

Best Regards,


Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Have I "Cried WOLF" too many times?
4/11/2007 1:57:40 PM

Thank you Tim, its always great to see one come back into the posting of ones business again! Makes me think that people are still faithful to Adlandpro. Very Cool. Your sight is is one i promote as well and is so informative. Thanks again Tim. Good to see you .

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Jason Lamure

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Re: Have I "Cried WOLF" too many times?
4/11/2007 2:34:39 PM

Hi Tim,

If you haven't joined my team yet, the time has never been better!

I'll have a look at site SEO and might even join if it passes muster.

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Nick Sym

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Re: Have I "Cried WOLF" too many times?
4/11/2007 2:40:43 PM

Hi Tim!

Nice to see you again! I like your site and think you might be right about Adland being saturated. This is why I like to bring a little comedy into the forums and break up the solid wall of ads. This is not an ad, but if need real exposure that is free with no strings and promises of getting rich then just take a look and I bet you will notice a difference within a week - God Bless!

Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Re: Have I "Cried WOLF" too many times?
4/11/2007 2:46:18 PM

Hi Tim,

SiteWizardSEO is a great tool that my partners and I use all the time.

Enjoy everyone,

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