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Ankur Agarwal

127 Posts
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***5 days left STOP****
4/11/2007 3:10:49 AM


Announcing The Pre-Launch of a TOTALLY UNIQUE Concept!

The Global WealthBuilders Offshore Privacy Club will be pre-launched worldwide on April 15, 2007.

If you can answer yes to these three questions, then we invite you to join our totally free pre-launch registration list, TODAY.

 Would you like to earn an extra $95,000 per month?
 Would you like this income to be totally tax free?
 Would you like to finally have all the money you need to live the lifestyle you and your family desire and deserve?

 "Let me guess ... Of Course You Would."

Well, starting on April 15, 2007, you are going to be able to do all this and more.

The Global WealthBuilders Offshore  Privacy Club is not only a new organization, it is a totally new money making machine.

The Global WealthBuilders Offshore  Privacy Club is NOT another MLM company.

 There will be absolutely NO sponsoring requirements for our members to earn money.

 Our members will NOT be required to purchase any products to qualify to earn money.

 Our members will NOT be required to sell any products to qualify to earn money.

 Our members will NOT be required to do anything except join us to earn money.

Global...We will be accepting members from every country on the planet.

WealthBuilders...Our members will have totally free access to a range of wealth building and wealth protection tools that the average person does not even realize exist.

Offshore...If your assets are not offshore, they are not safe. Onshore assets are readily available to anyone who wishes to steal them. Spouses, governments, and ambulance chasing lawyers are just a few of the most common asset thieves.

Privacy...Our members will be shown how to totally protect their privacy and assets from all of the asset thieves.

Club...Our members will be astounded by the benefits membership in our club offers them.

"Want To Learn More"?


A Concept whose time has come!   Join us Now.

Cheers Ankur Agarwal Finally I have found a step by step system which helps me build my downline...
Sharon Lee

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Re: ***5 days left STOP****
4/11/2007 9:29:27 AM

A Whole New Product Line For Jerky Direct Members........................

To Our Continued Success!!

Sharon Lee-Jerky Direct Team Leader.

Sharon Lee

6727 Posts
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Re: Alanders Show Us Your On-line Business!
6/6/2007 6:59:40 PM

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Welcome new member Mark Andersson   (macc)  Mark has been placed under Lloyd Cope (LloydsTeam) By JerkyHill. 6/5

Welcome new member Danielle Busby (Talk2DanisTeam) Danielle has signed up under Victoria Hurst!! 6/5

Welcome new member Steven Blair  (YourStore) Eliot has been placed under AAServices (AAServices) in Rose Enderuds Team!! 6/5

Welcome new member Roel Eliot  (gryphonsteam) To Lynda Chambers in Lanell's Team. 6/5

Welcome new member Betty Veney  (Blvtenn) Betty has been placed under Carl Dunlap (Quietman44) in Rose Enderuds Team!! 6/5

Welcome new member Sandra Willis   (swds4243) Sandra has been placed under Yakal Enterprises (www1) in Katheryns Team by JerkyHill.

Welcome new member Cindy Tillotson  (GetJerkyTeam)  Cindy has been placed under William Dunsbergen (Lloyd Copes Team) by JerkyHill.

And Welcome new member Bob Rhodges  (bobrhodges)  He has been placed under Victoria Hurst (Talk2VictoriasTeam) by JerkyHill.

AND Welcome new member Kurt Mcatee (KAMGOLD),, He has been placed under Junior Stewart (EagleJerky) by JerkyHill.

And Welcome ALSO new member Rosella Owens (TeamRosella),, She has been placed under Larry McKenzie (LarrysJerky) byJerkyHill.

We are Growing Stronger and FASTER everyday!!!

And Yet Another WELCOME goes to.. Lai Hoh for joining Jerky Direct! Steven Wills, Patricia's Team has a recruit. Placed by Lanells Team!!! AND

Susan Critelli has enrolled her Son in his very Own Business to start building His Future!!! Please Welcome Dom Critelli!!! Yahoooooo,,WTG Susan!!

JOIN OUR GREAT TEAM In Jerky Direct,,Through JerkyHill and Recieve..............

1- A Guarantee that you will make money in your First 30 days, Or JerkyHill will REFUND Your $12.00 Investment (And You can Keep All The Products..;-)

2- A FREE EXECUTIVE,,LIFETIME Membership to (A PlanetX safelist with over 270,000 members...;-))

3- A Team of Over 70 Members That will Help YOU Succeed!!!

Just CLICK The below Banner To Get Started TODAY!!

Every new member who joins our Team through will be placed under another team member. We will, In Turn,, Do the SAME For You!! (And so on,,,and so on,,,and so on.;-) 


myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Beth Binkley

3429 Posts
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Re: Adlanders Show Us Your On-line Business!
6/6/2007 7:31:37 PM
Come meet another Sharon Lee Team

Adland is about relationship marketing!  There are several good teams on Adland that started by making friends, working a bit together and then really working hard as a team.

In case you have missed the fun, here is a great team to join!

SiteWizardSEO...A REPUTABLE,,,HONEST WORKING Site. Grab YOUR Niche NOW,,, Before the GOOD Ones are Gone For Ever!!


Updated members List...Scroll Down!!!

Do you notice how something's popularity explodes out of nowhere sometimes? What if you made a website about  a niche that became so popular that you can market it instantly and make money.

Ever see a trend emerging? Keep your nose to the ground and look under that rock.. Be one of the first to make a quality site about a certain niche and you'll be gold.

EASY To Use Interface.

Search Engine Optimization.

Automated Wizard.

Site Building Tools.

Hosting. (Included)

HTML Mail Creator/Manager.

Article Creator.

Keyword Optimize.

80% of the work is DONE For You!!

Earn extra Money Advertising.

Resell Your Traffic.

Capture Your Leads.

Powerful Marketing Tools.

24/7 Automated System.

Live Training and Support Available.

And Most Important...... The Power Of our amazing Team Work.

Our Team works together to help everyone!!

"How to Make Money with Site Wizard SEO" 

 Site Wizard SEO was created based on the idea that if you make decent websites, you won't need to overload it with crazy advertisements and pop-ups to annoy visitors. You can receive a good amount of traffic and income, both which grow steadily month-to-month. With Site Wizard SEO, you can create and maintain 100`s of pages (or you can call them websites) To make enough income  to support your family.

Any Business you can think of is possible, any keyword is another website generating an income stream.

SEE why it's causing such a stir!! Join today for Your FREE Tour of SiteWizardSEO and see even More once you are inside...;-)

Member: 1226 Sharon Lee--Sponsor: 1211 Gene Brown  Member List Updated 6/6/07

Sponsor------Member name-ID#------------Enroller ID#

Sharon-------Lloyd Cope-1299------------Sharon-1226

Lloyd--------Tony Harcke-1772-----------Lloyd--1299

Sharon-------Linda Harvey-1244----------Sharon-1226

Linda--------Reginald Crichlow-1719-----Sharon-1226

Reginald-----Kerin McCurdy-3012---------Sharon-1226

Reginald-----Kumaran Vaidyanathan-2692--Gene---1211

Linda--------Ralph Smith-2228-----------Gene---1211

Linda--------Marilyn Ali-Martin-2898----Linda--1244

Tony---------Gary Fowler-2836-----------Sharon-1226

Lloyd--------Cindy Palmtag-2544---------Gene---1211

Cindy--------Ramu Km-3005---------------Lloyd--1299

Cindy--------Patricia Bartch-3058-------Sharon-1226

Kumaren------Susan Critelli-3435--------Linda--1244

Ralph--------Dorothy Atkinson-3022------Sharon-1266

Gary F-------Amy Porter-3300------------Lloyd--1299

Tony H-------Dorothy Atkinson-3021------Sharon-1226

Dorothy A----Jovo Bijelic-3360----------Lloyd--1299

Rama KM------Clarisa Yu-3357------------Lloyd--1299

Patricia B---Jovo Bijelic-3361----------Lloyd--1299

Kumaren V----James Shaver-3540----------Linda--1244

Kerin M------Sarah Lewis-3504---------Reginald-1719

Kerin M------Joe Downing-3565-----------Linda--1244

Marilyn M----Daryl London-3538----------Linda--1244

Daryl--------Leslie Combs-3543----------Daryl--3538

Leslie-------Thomas harvey-3544---------Leslie-3543

Marilyn M----Ron Withrow-3561-----------Linda--1244

Dorothy A----Kerie London-3539----------Linda--1244

Kerie L------Victoria Hurst-3542--------Kerie--3539


Victoria-----Katheryn Haigler-3556----Victoria-3542

Katheryn-----Dave Haigler-3557--------Katheryn-3556

Dave H-------Christine Ward-3562-------Dave H--3557

Katheryn-----Beth Binkley-3564--------Katheryn-3556

Gary F-------Tammy Reymann-3525---------Lloyd--1299

Rama Km------Valerie Clavin-3571--------Sharon-1226

Dorothy A----Sandy Morgan-3572----------Linda--1244


Join Us TODAY and let our TEAM help you!

Yvette Lemon Tolliver

396 Posts
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Re: Adlanders Show Us Your On-line Business!
6/11/2007 1:08:52 PM

An E-Volution is Coming!

Meet top industry leaders who will be helping and assisting you to make money.

Get YOUR OWN FREE eVo WEB SITE, with promotional system.

See how you using your FREE eVo site over the next few weeks could create earn you $15,000 in your first month.

Get the privileged Insider Report and read it for yourself.

Official Pre-Launch is set for July 15th, 2007!

Lock in your position now FREE by July 14th!

This is going to be HUGE!

