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Sam Sugden

209 Posts
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Re: Alanders Show Us Your On-line Business!
4/6/2007 1:38:04 PM
Let Our Team Of Experienced Marketers Help You Increase Productivity In Your Existing Business.

We Can Also Help You Get Started On The Right Path To Finding A New Online Venture!

Our Commitment to you...

*Live 24/7 online audio/visual support Hosted By Experienced Marketers

*Wide Variety Of Team Expertise

*Assistance with your Business Questions

*State-of-the-art Software for visual help and training

*Knowledge on creating eye-catching

splash pages




*Live Ongoing Weekly Training On

safe list

traffic exchanges



*Members from Around the World Working Together!

This is only part of our commitment...

Sammy Your welcome to add me to the following chat programmes,to chat,help each other and be friends. Skype ferndale35 MSN Yahoo Email
Sharon Lee

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Re: Alanders Show Us Your On-line Business!
4/6/2007 1:48:05 PM

You may Never See Another Offer Like this one!!!!

FULL Team support, Help to build your Business. Give this 30 days and you will see for yourself!!

Just click the banner to start!!

Jim Allen

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Re: Alanders Show Us Your On-line Business!
4/6/2007 3:03:26 PM

We have had a great week as many of you have upgraded to to DRIVERS and we have many new Pedestrians joining our team too.  Kudos to all of you and please stay tuned as the Marketing Phase begins with Savings Highway.    Up to this point we have been in a Leaders Launch and the product development phase.  We now have our products in place and the Marketing Phase is beginning. 

As we progress with the Marketing Phase you will begin to notice more tools will be added to your members area and as these are put into place and used by those of us that are actively growing our businesses.  You will see your team grow almost all by itself.    But don't let that fool you as the team doesn't grow all by it's lonesome.  Someone is growing their business and it affects yours as well.  That is the marvel created for us by Savings Highway

Even if you are here just for the benefits your money tree grows.  Pretty awesome, ain't it?

Just by joining and becoming a Pedestrian you have the opportunity to view all the benefits and to view the back office area.  Plus you can earn too.  However to Enjoy the full benefit of Savings Highway you need to upgrade to Driver. 

That is how you gain access to the Grocery Coupons, Discount Card, Legal Plan (which I used this week myself and saved hundreds of dollars), Roadside Assistance and the full Financial Benefits and Education.  

  • Drivers earn residual income.  Pedestrians don't. 
  • Drivers receive grocery coupons.  Pedestrians don't. 
  • Drivers receive a Discount Savings Card good for up to 50% off at participating retailers, on food, entertainment, services and more.  Pedestrians don't.  
  • I save more than my Driver membership costs every month, plus some. 
  • I earn residual income every month as a Driver, plus I receive checks almost every week, not just monthly, because I am a active business builder. 
  • Some Pedestrians earn every week, but earn no residuals, and receive no savings.

Now let's talk about how I grow my Savings Highway team and income.   I use many different resources and I will share them with you.  You are urged to use them as well, because many have no cost associated with them other than the time it takes to place an ad, answer a post or send an email.  Others do have a cost but more than pay for themselves as they are tools I need to grow my business.  Now before we get started sharing those resources.  Please be aware, that I have been online for quite a few years and have found the best tools for me to grow my business.  I share these with folks all the time and sometimes I make a few dollars by doing so.  Don't send me emails griping, whining, and complaining if you ain't using the tools.  You know a hammer left in the toolbox never did drive a nail.

Resource #1 - Forums and Networks, they work and will work for you as you become active in them.

Networkers Debut - a private forum for online business enthusiasts.  You make great connections, learn and receive the right information to help grow your business.

Adland Pro - a very active network full of folks that are just plain GREAT People!  Responsive and full of networkers and people looking and learning.  You cannot go wrong sharing Savings Highway here in the forums.  Just be sure to follow the rules and try to be helpful and you will make great contacts.  

Resource #2 - My personal toolbox is full of tools that I use and you should start stocking your toolbox for online marketing too.

2TillProfit - Now this one ain't free but if you are serious it has everything you will ever need to grow and build your business all in one place.  I don't like jumping here, there and yonder trying to gather my tools.  That's why I have a toolbox they are all together in one place and you should consider that fact.  As you find that time is an asset not to be wasted.

Ultimate Four - Save Time!  That's what serious Marketing Tools are all about. Saving time spent on menial tasks so you have more time for the important stuff. Hype and promises don't build businesses and they won't make you any money. Increasing your knowledge and skills will.

Resource #3 - Our Team Online Conference Room will be used for training, broadcasting our conference calls on Thursday evening at 9PM EST USA time.  Be sure to create a shortcut to your Desktop for faster future access.  There is a download you will need to accept.  Once the room has loaded on your system, future access will be much faster.    I will announce more times for training and assistance in the near future.  To help our team grow and learn. 

Join Our Mailing List Below there are benefits.

List Name: Savings Highway

* marked fields are mandatory.

Email *
First Name*
Last Name*

If you have a special need or would like to use the room for growing your Savings Highway Team you are welcome to use it.  Leaders contact me for moderator access.  Jim @ this email is for such requests only.  Do not send marketing emails to this address as it will be considered JUNK Mail and deleted.

Okay, that's it for now.  I will try to send you an update like this one every week and a reminder to our Conference and Training calls.  These calls by the company are recorded and posted to the members area every week so you don't miss the fantastic training that we receive every week. 

This is about personal and financial development and you should participate whether on the telephone, in the conference room or simply listening to the recordings.   Should you have questions, comments, needs and desires my contact information is provided below.

Thanks for being part of our team and have a safe week.


Jim Allen III

Savings Highway Driver

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Mark Gibson

236 Posts
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Re: Alanders Show Us Your On-line Business!
4/6/2007 6:13:16 PM

Thanks for allowing us a place to advertise!!

I have to agree with Sam Hall. JERKY DIRECT IS THE BEST!!

Where else can you go and be in business for as little as $12 a month with a real company witha real product? NO WHERE I HAVE SEEN!

Jerky Direct is more then just jerky. We offer several different products now. YOU just have to go and see for yourself.

I have been with JD since Nov 25th 2005 and I have received a check every month since Dec 4th 2005. Matter in fact I got mine & my wifes checks today (4-6-07). Come join all of us at ALP that are with JD and have some fun!!

Your jerky buddy,

Mark Gibson


To YOUR success, Mark Gibson
Re: Alanders Show Us Your On-line Business!
4/7/2007 1:14:10 PM
Discount and Luxury Shopping

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