Roger Macdivitt's "Adland Friends Remembered"
Joe Downing's "Bulletin Board: What's Happening Today?"
I've said this before but I'll mention it again: It's a great idea to mail your postcards in an envelope with a cover letter, even if it costs a 39-cent stamp instead of a 24-cent postcard stamp, the extra postage is worth the personal touch that may be the difference between someone joining and not joining! OR keep reading for a great idea on how to not pay for postage at all!
Now about getting mail opened, it's okay to put mailing list labels onto postcards...BUT...if we're mailing envelopes, it's much better to hand write the addresses on them. People are more likely to open envelopes that are hand-addressed.
Don't throw your incoming mail away! Mail something to those people and also type their names and addresses into your files and the date that you sent mail to them and what you sent them. Remember, people who send you mail are INTERESTED in opportunities and they have MONEY to spend on joining things, money to spend on printing, postage, mailing lists, etc! Those names are very VALUABLE! ALSO look at what they sent you and see how much they spent on their current opportunity, see if it's MLM or non-MLM or whatever. You can really do a lot of "business homework" with your incoming mail! But don't wait too long to send mail to them, do it at least within 30 days of the postmark on the mail they sent to you.
HERE'S HOW you can mail your offers without paying for postage, if you WANT to publicize your address: Post ads something like this: "FREE Mailing List of dozens of opportunity-seekers who WANT to receive your offers, PLUS your name listed as WANTING MAIL! Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: (Your Name and Address Here)"
Then when you get responses from people sending you their self-addressed stamped envelopes, and you WILL get responses, send them a double-sided page of the typed names and addresses of the people you received mail from...along with your offers! You didn't even need to buy envelopes or stamps and now you've got the names and addresses of even more people who are interested in business opportunities and you can add them to your files! WOW!
If there are 2 things mail-order enthusiasts want, it's free mailing lists and their name listed to get more mail sent to them! By the way, this method will also turn you into a mail-order enthusiast. Are you enthusiastic yet?