
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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A High School SHOP TEACHER is Getting RICH with THIS! Plus a recap of great links!!
4/4/2007 12:24:21 PM

Visit Philoxenia # 10 and see who it is, post a reply there and make new friends!

If you haven't been to WHAMMY for awhile, recent features were:  Queen, David Bowie, Weird Al Yankovic, Gwen Stefani, Tom Jones, INXS, Bob Seger, Schoolhouse Rock, Sting, and Bob Dylan!  Here's the main link:

Do you remember your high school shop teacher?  Mine looked like Fred Flintstone, I don't remember his name but I know I wasn't good at making anything from wood or metal.  In the early 1980's, our school district decided that all students should take shop, not just boys...they also decided everyone should take home-ec, not just girls!  Yeah, that was real fun stuff. <snore! when's lunch? did anyone bring a boombox?  I'm not eating, I'm going to the arcade later with my lunch money!>

I've recently heard of a shop teacher from New York named Gary who has earned an average of $100,000 per year for the past 3 years with ABM, you can hear his testimonial by calling 1-800-617-5340 and pressing 3.  If you join by phone, my ID number is 8778. 

There are also audio testimonials at the website:
If you join online, my ID number is still 8778.  Thanks!

Here are the income projections of everyone getting 4 sign-ups monthly with ABM, some people may not get 4, some people could get many more than 4!  The only way you're guaranteed not to get any sign-ups is if you don't join!  If you can mail postcards or advertise online, you can do this!

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Sharon Lee

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Re: A High School SHOP TEACHER is Getting RICH with THIS! Plus a recap of great links!!
4/4/2007 1:26:19 PM

Hi Kathleen, I believe the story on the shop teacher!! Its funny. I received a mail the other day and it looked so personal to me,,I wondered who was mailing me a surprize. (I thought my Brother in TX) But when I opened it. There was a post card on ABM and a nice hand written letter with some other stuff. Very Impressive I thought. I mailed in on to Valerie so she could see the quality of what I received.

Best of luck with this venture. When Funds permit me,,I am joining too!! Looks easy.

Peace, Sharon

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: A High School SHOP TEACHER is Getting RICH with THIS! Plus a recap of great links!!
4/4/2007 2:31:41 PM

Hi Sharon,

I also put my postcards into an envelope with a cover letter, even if it costs me a 39-cent stamp instead of a 24-cent postcard stamp, I think the extra postage is worth the personal touch that may be the difference between someone joining and not joining! 

ABM also has full-color glossy business cards in 4 designs that look exactly like the postcards, these are great to hand out or put on local bulletin boards.  I'm impressed with this company! 

P.S. My ID number is 8778, I could use some sign-ups!  You can see all 4 styles of the postcards at the website:

Thanks for your interest!


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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: A High School SHOP TEACHER is Getting RICH with THIS! Plus a recap of great links!!
4/4/2007 2:34:12 PM
Another thing about getting mail opened, it's okay to put mailing list labels onto postcards...BUT...if we're mailing envelopes, it's much better to hand write the addresses on them.  People are more likely to open envelopes that are hand-addressed.
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Joe Downing

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Re: A High School SHOP TEACHER is Getting RICH with THIS! Plus a recap of great links!!
4/4/2007 2:50:16 PM

Very good point.  I agree.  I get tons of stuff with pre-addressed labels.  I throw so much mail away because it all looks machine generated. 

I too would be interesed later Kathleen, but I have committed a large portion of profits to marekting/leads for my teams.  Until then, I'm on water and jerky diet.  Learning how to garden too.  :)

Where is Terry and Judy?
***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE
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