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Andre Nadeau

2 Posts
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Re: Tips on Creating profiles, posting, inviting and more
4/3/2007 4:13:18 PM

Hi, thanks for the invite, i am very new at this also, i know one think, we have to suround ourself with noligable people if we want to have a chance in this internet world.

I just lost my job so i have lots of time to spend reading all the how to's out there. This is a great place to share information.

Have a nice one!


Jeffrey Schultz

224 Posts
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Re: Tips on Creating profiles, posting, inviting and more
4/4/2007 8:59:45 AM
Thank you for the warm invite.  What I like to do to make our community a special place is I will go into the Reports section where it lists all the most recent joined members.  Then I welcome them to our community and ask them to become my friend.      Let's face it we were all new at one time and it feels really good to have a welcome message and an invite to be a friend right away.

Lets all make it a habit of spreading random acts of KINDNESS

Your friend


Jeffrey Schultz Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and meet it.
The Drummerboy

1069 Posts
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Re: Tips on Creating profiles, posting, inviting and more
4/4/2007 10:35:25 AM
Hi Daryl!  :-)

Bravo my good friend!  This is an awesome forum thread and you hit everything right on the mark!  Thank you Thank you Thank you!  You encourage everyone to be an individual and I think that is so important to one's success!

Keep up the great work!

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Re: Tips on Creating profiles, posting, inviting and more
4/7/2007 2:45:45 PM
Hi Darryl, You seem to have quite a handle on how Adland works given your short time here. Thanks for the invite! These tips are expressed in a clear easy to understand way and I'm sure will be of great help to others who stop by. I look forward to other threads you post! Welcome to Annie and Andre! Look for my invitations in your mail ;-)
Re: Tips on Creating profiles, posting, inviting and more
4/7/2007 11:42:27 PM

Thanks for your kind words.

"Common sense just doesn't seem to be so common anymore, does it?"


You can, if you think you can. You are somebody, cause God don't make no junk!

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