About Me
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About Me
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I am a very outgoing guy. Love to help everyone, and talk to lot's of people. I guess that's why I do what I do. I am very consumed with Legal Shield and I am a huge believer in it. Anytime you can have a lawyer on retainer 24/7 starting at $19.95 per month I would say you have a good thing going. Not to mention we also have Identity theft protection and restoration, which is what sets us apart from other Identity theft protection plans. Go ahead, check them out, if you are ever a victim of Identity Theft they will let you know and say, "good luck taking care of this mess now." Not us we have a worldwide leader in investigative services to "clean up the mess for you."
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Advertising, Affiliates, Direct Selling, E-Business, Marketing, MLM, Networking, Bizopp, Investing, Friends, Lifestyle, General Health, Cars