Hi Alicia,
Creating today my first blog, I was delighted when found yours.
Thanks for being dedicated to help people to master our true nature : creatures - emanations of God`s best : LIFE .
I am also the seeker over the path to go back to our true nature. First, my search took a deep dive into religions.
Then into Metaphysics/Philosophy/Psychology.
Both were given to humans to teach and just to be the light over the journey.
Finally I found myself at TRANSCENDENTAL PHYSICS. Sounds complicated, but it genuinely offers "methods" simple to understand and to maintain in everyday life. It includes : matter, energy, time, space and conscious observer (comprehensive science). Nothing mysterious and mystical, nothing what would ever depend on our beliefs (which usually confuse us).
This Transcendental Physics, along with a new, non-numerical Mathematics, which allows the scientist to include consciousness in the equations that describe the basic laws of nature, IS EASIEST WAY TO PERFORM SO CALLED MIRACLES for each of us! There`s no DISCRIMINATION based on being deserved or not.. So, we are approaching to the time when ANYONE would easily consider himself as ENOUGH DESERVED to learn the method (or just formula) TO USE SO NATURAL AND SO DIVINE HUMAN POWER TO BE CO-CREATOR HERE.
Seems, religious language (way of speech) wasn`t enough clear to make people understand it, and to feel free to work for own wealth.
One musical expert may write a books and books of expertize on Mozart, Chopin or anyone another musical genius. BUT ONE "CONSUMER" of the Divine greatness of that musics, would be PLEASED just to listen to it. The same way this newborn science would enable to the CONSUMERS (we really do not need to be all the scientists) TO FIGURE OUT a HUGE EASE to "perform the miracles", or better to say, TO SETTLE OUR NEEDS AND WISHES based on our MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL CONGENITAL POWERS.
I am preparing materials with the basic instructions and would post it on my ALP blog.
HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THE END OF AN OLD SHARE-PARADIGM UPON EARTH .... happy to welcome each one who is not stuck in an old-beliefs that "thinking is good, but digging brings the bread" ... I`d leave you for now, with my best wishes.