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Creating Miracles - The Process
4/1/2007 3:00:56 PM

It's your turn to learn from the Master... and create miracles in your life...

Jesus wanted to feed the people because they were hungry. The disciples were concerned.

How can anyone fill and satisfy these people with loaves of bread here in this desolate and uninhabited region?

The disciples looked around them – the situation seemed impossible. They looked at the crowd, calculated the cost, and gave a final analysis. In a logical natural sense, only what the eyes could see, it was an impossible situation.

Jesus, however, did not focus on the surrounding circumstance. He could have said, “You’re right, there’s way too many people here to feed, and we can’t do that. Sorry folks, that’s all for now, hope you make it back home safely. God go with you and keep you on the way.” No, Jesus asked, "How many loaves have you?” He knew it was food they needed. So He looked at what the disciples had to match the need. “Seven,” they replied.

Jesus told the people (the multitude) to sit down on the ground. He took the bread, the 7 loaves, and gave thanks. He broke them and kept on giving them to His disciples to put before the people, which they did. Notice here, the words were kept on giving –showing ongoing, continuing.

Jesus did the same with the few small fish – He praised God and gave thanks, and asked Him to bless them (to their use). Again, these were ordered to be set before the people. They ate and were satisfied. The Bible says, they took up seven (large provision) baskets full of the broken pieces left over. He dismissed the 4,000 of them. Mark 8:1-10

Let’s closely examine the process Jesus used; 4000 people to be fed in a ‘desolate and uninhabited region’. Jesus saw an opportunity to display the glory of God; only 7 loaves and a few small fish – enough to create a miracle.

Spiritual laws when activated, dominate the natural laws, and shifts and bends, changes and multiplies them to meet the spiritual/inner desired results; faith that rises above every situation.

Jesus said that the works He did, we shall do also and even greater works shall we do because He is going onto the Father.

We need to harness the power God has given us within, and discipline our minds, and our tongues to control and move mountains in our lives.

The physical evidence shows: large crowd, 7 loaves, and few fish. Logically/naturally that does not make sense. But Jesus knew who He was and the power that lies within Him. He changed and transformed, shifted the natural laws by applying the spiritual and supernatural laws.

1) He set 1st His intentions – to feed the people.

2) He looked for what they already had that he could use.

3) He took the bread – 7 loaves

4) Gave thanks – gave is the key word. He first gave to the spiritual realm/to God – giving thanks, showing gratitude.

5) He then broke the bread and kept on giving.

He satisfied the requirements of both laws – the heavenly and the earthly. The heavenly law – praise, gratitude, thanksgiving The earthly law – giving to others, taking care of the needy (their physical, emotional, mental needs).

1) The few fish

2) He praised God and gave thanks.

3) He asked God to bless them (fish) to their use – for the purpose He intended- to feed the people.

4) He gave to the people Again, He satisfied both laws – the spiritual, then the natural.

The crowds were fed, and satisfied, and the leftovers were gathered up. There are situations in our lives that we know we need to change by stepping out and putting our faith into action, instead of walking by sight – waiting for external conditions to be favourable.

To step out by faith, however, takes a risk on our part; sometimes, not knowing the final outcome, or even, the next step until we get to that point. Following your heart and dreams is to walk by faith and not by sight. Every step you take would be by faith. You may not be able to see the whole plan, but as you step out, putting one foot at a time, the way becomes clearer, your total trust and confidence is in God, your inner senses become stronger, more keen/sharper.

Staying safe will yield its usual fruit, but leaving the safe region and stepping out in faith will yield a greater abundance, a greater harvest, producing a greater miracle. God has given you the power to create wealth. You have the creative power working in and through you. You can create exactly what you desire. You create your reality, by your belief, (your heart), your mind (your thoughts), your words (what you speak/say). Your mind/thoughts work in sync with your outer world.

In achieving what we want, we need to follow the necessary steps in its attainment – the final outcome.

1) Thought – financial, spiritual, emotional.

2) Next step – pull out/collect, all the necessary ingredients – action plans/steps. These will come as you move along.

3) Put the plan into action – even if you only have one part, the other parts will come.

4) Reap the benefit. God uses the small things in our lives to create big things.

It took a small seed to grow into a huge tall tree. It also took a tiny fertilized egg to form a baby that grows into a great man or woman.

Allow the small seeds in your life to be developed to create change and produce miracles.

Changing your life may seem like an overwhelming frustrating process. But it doesn't have to be if you're given simple doable step-by-step strategies that will get you from where you are to where you want to be. Life-changing inspirational writer, Alicia Isaacs, shares simple doable step-by-step strategies that will get you from where you are to where you want to be and experience a transformed life at Discover a simple step-by-step process to Overcome Inferiority Complex and finally be free to Build Self-confidence so you can live the life you deserve! at
Barb Doyle

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Re: Creating Miracles - The Process
4/1/2007 4:22:33 PM

Hi Alicia,

Thanks for sharing your article. It has lots of great information. Jesus came to earth to teach us. It is up to us to follow. Many blessings to you.

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

This is so much fun!


Re: Creating Miracles - The Process
4/1/2007 4:48:51 PM
That was very refreshing writing about are lord.Thanks Keep God in your heart and mind.
Herschel Womack
John Crawford

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Re: Creating Miracles - The Process
4/1/2007 4:54:47 PM
Well said Alicia. Words to live by. God bless! John My-Easy-Promoter is the most efficient, powerful, and completely automated way to promote your website to over 700,000 Search Engines, Directories, Link Pages, Online Malls, Classified Sites! 100% Automated - A Complete Traffic Generating Machine!!! A ONE TIME FEE of $37 allows you sell great e-products and keep ALL of the profit. Looking for an alternative to Adsense? Join fellow Adlanders in this NEW mastermind group. THE ONE Vitamin I recommend & earn a lucrative steady flow of income promoting it!. Multiple ways to make big bucks on lotto. My site for health information and other issues vital to the baby boomer. Watch the Video and Be Amazed! The ONE Program You NEED to Join! Broadcast Your Business message to thousands!
Cathy Walker

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Re: Creating Miracles - The Process
4/1/2007 10:09:38 PM
  Thanks , that was  Great..beautiful in fact
 ...and I do believe in Miracles.
  I only wish I could perform them as  easily as jesus did.

 I might try his way of the loves and the fishes..
  I liked the way he did things!
and thanks a lot  for the reminder.
regards cathy walker