Hi Carla,
Thank you once again for putting this up for me and for putting up with me. I thank everyone that has stopped by. I guess Shirley will be baking a cake tomorrow. I like that so much better than one you buy at the store because it means that an effort has been made. I am hoping that 2007 will find more happiness for Shirley and I than 2006. We may have to miss part of Nashville and go only on Saturday which will mean that Shirley's band may not get their opportunity to perform, but that's okay. It really isn't but we have tried our very best. I love everyone of my friends at AdlandPro Community, however I sometimes cannot understand just what people want. Free advertising plus a free three to five minute commercial that would be seen in at least 65 cities in the U.S., plus several countries over-seas for a donation of $1.00 or more. By us going to Nashville for just the Saturday taping means that Shirley will receive her award but not be allowed to sing. We understand that at least two of our clients will be there that will get the full benefit of our efforts and once again we walk away with table scraps. I turned it from a donation (Hand-out) to a very profitable venture where people can actually get thousands of dollars worth of advertising and promotion for whatever amount that they wish to invest even as low as $1.00. So, as far as wishing me a happy birthday I am pleased, however for so many people to turn their backs on a sure fire way to expand their businesses tremendously, I just don't know what to say. If you check my web-site you will see that I have already put up links for those that have helped. Please understand one thing. Shirley and I do not lie. If we say that we are going to do something, we will. If I have to have Shirley and her band perform in someone's garage I will do it. I am just so disappointed because I tried to make an honest effort to give many of my AdlandPro Community friends more advertising opportunities than they could pay for in a life-time and let them name their prices. When I told Shirley that we may have to go for just one day, she began crying and had a Grand Mall seizure that lasted for about ten minutes. I calmed her down and when she was back in control of her emotions, she looked up at me and asked, "Honey, why do so many people Hate me so much?" Than, I began to cry, because I had no answer. The people that have helped I would like to say, "God Bless You." For those that don't care to help for whatever reason, I'd like to ask, "Why do you Hate Shirley That Much?" She fights seizures every single time that she stands before an audience and performs but she does it because she is determined to succeed despite her disabilities. HOW MANY PEOPLE has that kind of determination???? I love her and I thought many of you did as well.
Thank you for the Birthday Wishes, but I'm not much in the mood for celebrating right now.
God Bless You
Please don't hate me for being honest.
