WOW!!!!! What a Surprise!!!
I'm so happy I could POOP!!! Oh, wait a minute, I think I did. I want to thank Joe, Jeff, Jo Mattias, Alicia (pretty name, I sent you an invitation)Pauline, Sharon, Tanya, Deborah, Natalya, Bea, and whats-her-name, I mean Carla. You know, we do have the best on-line community on the net and I am so proud to have the best people in hear as my friends. Birthdays may not mean much to some people, however I feel that they are very important and when someone cares enough to honor one friend individually it means so much more. Joe put up a special forum for Terry for being named Voter of the week. Carla put up a special forum for me because of my birthday. Our community is beginning to form into just what it should be. A place where people with good hearts take time out to honor those that they feel are special. I might even by some of his water. (Don't hold your breath on that one!!) Actually this is beginning to be a very special birthday. Although many people made it so, I received to items in the mail this week that both made me cry. There are two things that are very important to me. Friends and family. Although we did not say too much about it Shirley and I have been so low on money that we rolled pennies so that I could (with Carla's help) get Shirley's medication that she cannot do without. I was able to get the medication but not other essentials like dish soap, toilet paper (I can't do without that) or cigarrettes which we all know is a must. We than received a letter from Natalya. All I can say is GOD BLESS YOU ANGEL!!!!
I have three siplings from a previous marriage. All in their thirties. Bob, my oldest and Tammy my youngest, I rarlely hear from. Tim, the middle child does his best to communicate. He teases, jokes, and often sends me cards with messages like "What? You're Still Alive??" This one, however. was different. Several years ago, while in the hospital for a nervous breakdown, (I had five while married to his mother) I made a ceramic Duck in Ceramics class. I was proud of that achievement. The front of the card had a ceramic duck. it read;
I'm So Grateful for all you Do
For guidance given
and wisdom shared,
for special ways
you've shown you cared.
For family times
I treasure still,
I love you
and I always will.
Have a
Wonderful Birthday
Tim, Heather, Abi & Danny
This was the first time he has sent a birthday card with a special meaning and one that I will treasure forever. He has also promised to take me for a Round of Golf in a couple of weeks.
For the love that you have all shone to both myself and Shirley and for the love that I have finally received from my son (one out of three is okay) this is turning out to be my best birthday ever. I might just wear my Birthday Suit. Wait a minute. I don't have enough time to get all the wrinkles out, besides, the zippers not working right.
Thank you all for making this birthday so special. By the way, for those of you living in Indiana I understand that Shirley is going to have a small party for me. I'm not suppose to know about it, but I answered a couple of calls that kind of gave things away. One from a Steel Guitar Player wanting to know what time he was expected and one from a Fiddle player with the same question. Sounds like a Hoe-Down to me. If you want to know more call Shirley at (317) 887-2819. We don't have a lot of food but we got PLENTY of Jerky!!
God Bless you all and Thank You So much!!!!