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Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Build your friend list and optimise your web site
3/25/2007 2:40:17 PM

Adland tips for those who are new to Adland

1- Build a large friend list - you have to put the time in to request friends yourself. I've noticed many adlanders  don't work this part of Adland very well at all.... it takes time but it is worth it. You are building your engine here at Adland, so build a big one for a large ship.....

2- Join a few forums for exposure.... this may bring you a few friend requests. I have a number of helpful topic in my business tips forum, so check them out and learn from them and share your knowledge too!

3- If you have not already done this, place a picture (even one of your product, home or something if you don't want to place your face) on your profile. I've noticed people without pictures do not get the request for friends to join them as much as those with pictures- and like I said - a picture of anything is better than no picture at all. (without putting a picture on very few people request your friendship--- besides you are better then a dog or a duck - and that is what your picture will be if your don't up load one for yourself)

4- WORK at this site - and it WILL pay dividends...... if you wait for something to happen - for sure, nothing will! All things excellent are both difficult and rare.... so work at this site and excellence will come your way!


Here is a site to get extra hits on your web page! I'm using the link to expose my song writing - so have a listen! This site IS working for me- Check it out!  It takes about 30 sign ups to find ten who actaully follow through and WORK this link - but it works.

Search Engine Optimization-

One thing you will learn if you do not know already is a little about Optimizing your web page.... The best and easiest program/system I have came across is "My easy promoter". You can gain web optimization without knowing a thing about it. This system has a "wizard" that takes you through the steps. In my opinion this one is a must to use...PLUS you can earn money through it too. I made money the first week... so check it out here. Some


If you find the tips useful, click "join this forum".

I wish you a long and successful Adland Experience! Cheers

Re: Build your friend list and optimise your web site
3/25/2007 3:12:06 PM

Wow! Thanks for sharing this Neil.

Best regards,


Judy Toa
Danny Mills

302 Posts
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Re: Build your friend list and optimise your web site
3/25/2007 4:15:53 PM

Thanks Neil,

I sure will check it out. Appreciate the advice.


Expect A Great Sunday.

Jill Bachman

8860 Posts
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Re: Build your friend list and optimise your web site
3/25/2007 4:42:12 PM

Hi Neil,

This is absolutely great information, and I thank you! 

I will defnitely check out the two web sites  :-)

Keep up the great work and bringing such value to Adlandpro.

Cheers,  Jill

Rose Enderud

2223 Posts
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Re: Build your friend list and optimise your web site
3/25/2007 11:38:27 PM
Hello Niel,
I would like to give some tips on inviting friends.
At the top of the screen is a link that says "Reports". There you can access reports that help you.
New Members - see who just joined our Community.
Most Friendly Members - browse the list of most friendly users.
Most Active Members - browse the list of most posts users.
Person Of The Week - browse the list of Person of The Week users.

Marilyn Martin does a forum to welcome new members. She does the work for us. She post all the new members links. Compose a helpful invitation and start inviting.

Participate in the awards forum. That will let people get to know you. Most of those are power members forums.

The most friendly members report gives you a list of the members according to the size of thier friends list.

The most active Members list is based on number of forum post.

Most of the people at the top of these list are happy to accept new friends.

The person of the week list is people who have been honored by thier friends and other adland members for thier contribution to the community. All of these people welcome new friendships.

When participating in forums send invitations to other people who have contributed something that caught your interest.

When you introduce yourself show that you have visited thier profile or seen a post or something that shows you are interested in them. Do not send an ad when asking for friendship. There is time for that later.

