Hi Nick ,
Thanks for the information back in my day we called it pass out, but it was done by huggging the victim by the solar plexus until they passed out and than came too in a few minutes later: this is much more dangerous and fatal I will pass it on..Nevertheless it is always about the rush .. !
Hey Joe!
As I said, if this saves one life then the time was well worth it - thank you for your imput my friend and yes about the canned air as I did a forum on that subject a while ago!
Dear Miss Annie
If you see the signs of rope burn marks around the neck area or unexplained razor cuts then the child has a anger issue that must be dealt with by a professional!
My Very Dear Friend Mary!
Every era has its solution to having to jump the hurdles of having to grow up. But self mutilation and near death experiences is not in the normal growth pattern of a child. Remember Pop-Rocks and Coco-Cola!