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Diana Briere

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Re: Oprah Asks ... How Would You Handle It?
3/17/2007 11:23:49 PM

Hi Pauline, You are right to say he should have taken responsibility for his actions but I don't think he had the capacity or knowledge to do the right thing. It was wrong for him to blame society but I can see where he was coming from. These people on the streets are not being educated in community living. They are being allowed to stay on the streets and make whatever kind of a life for themselves that they can. After raiding dumpsters for pennies in the way of popcans and sleeping on the ground I don't see how they can make a fast recovery with $100,000 and an apartment that probably seems too warm for them and no fresh air. Obviously he was not about to take advice on how to budget his money as he even said so. These people are so paranoid of being stollen from that they can't trust anyone.But he can turn around and help his family and buddies get out of dept to the extent he lost it all. I hold the family somewhat responsible for even taking the money from him. They should be ashamed. In our city we have community workers who help these people to live in the community, with teaching them to cook and clean and have healthy activities and surround them with people who are also learning how to behave in the community. working them towards employment and independent living. This is something that has to be learned without judging them on how they got to that point inthe first place. And also they have to want to change this behaviour.  This fellow didn't show that he was too willing to be taught anything, but wanted to blame society and didn't really know how to do that. It seems he has given up. If he was given another $100,000 he would probably do it again.The desire to change in the first place has to be there,which means he has a lot of work to do with social workers and city workers to get him of on the right foot.  Anyway, this is just my opinion and people like this are to be pittied.

                                           Take Care From Diana

Joe Downing

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Re: Oprah Asks ... How Would You Handle It?
3/18/2007 12:14:17 AM

Hi Terry,  I didn't see the show.  I was out hunting leprechauns today in the mountains with my family.  It was quite a journey.  Don't any of you believe the end of the rainbow and the pot o'gold story either.  It's a trick they like to play on us humans.

If you were to come into a lot of money, Rich Dad says to create assets.  If you put all your money into doodads and credit, you will be poor.  I like the 50-30-10-10 principle.  A similar one is taught in the Richest Man in Babylon.  Thanks for sharing this information Terry, it is priceless.
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Terry Gorley

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Re: Oprah Asks ... How Would You Handle It?
3/18/2007 12:28:11 AM

Thank you, Diana for visiting and posting your comments.

Thank you, too Joe for visiting and posting. 

Hunting leprechauns with your family would make a wonderful outing. 

As for the 50-30-10-10 principle, I wish I had been taught it loooong ago.

Our daughter is teaching our grandkids ... she started just in time with the oldest who will be 11 in May. 

His comments were, "Why do I have to do that ... its my money?"  They've been doing it a few months now and he's happy with seeing his savings grow while spending a little and saving for a trip to Disneyland. 

Bottom line is start them while they're young!



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Pauline Raina

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Re: Oprah Asks ... How Would You Handle It?
3/18/2007 6:30:25 AM
Thanks for the invite Terry, and  hope you are having a wonderful St; Patricks day !!

Hmmmm Oprah is my hero, I am so fortunate I get to watch her programme every day mon; to friday here in India.

Interesting que; if i ever won so much, i would surely get professional advise on how best to invest it. No doubt it would be my first instinct to splurge on things Ive always wanted to get, but most certainly I would surely invest it well so that it carries me a long way.

Thanks for this forum,

have a wonderful sunday.

Pauline R

Terry Gorley

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Re: Oprah Asks ... How Would You Handle It?
3/18/2007 1:58:49 PM

Thank you for visiting the Grapevine and posting your thoughts, Pauline, I know you're a busy lady.

I think that's about the best we could hope for. 

Understanding and acknowledging there may be a problem should we be fortunate enough to find ourselves in the situation at least gives us something to consider. 

I think taking a deep breath and forgetting about it for a week or more might help too.

Smile & Have A Great Day



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