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Terry Gorley

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Oprah Asks ... How Would You Handle It?
3/17/2007 1:49:39 AM
What Would You Do If You Won?  How would you handle it?
I don't get to watch Oprah very often, but when I do, I usually enjoy her topics and guests.
I caught her today and didn't mean to watch the whole show, but was astounded by the people she interviewed.
She wanted to know what you would do if you were to win a large amount of money ... more than $50,000
One guest had earned millions and lost it ... she had become a drug addict and ended up homeless.  She is clean now and is again in business with a new sense of herself.
There was a homeless man who was given $100,000 as an experiment to see what he would do with it ... how it would change his life.  It didn't ... he ended up penniless and homeless again.  Perhaps a little more bitter than before.
I daresay, too many don't know how to manage and budget their money.  That's why I learned and teach Denis Waitley's 50-30-10-10 plan.
Do you know what 50-30-10-10 is?
Smile & Have A Super St. Patty's Day
PS  If you want to see more of what was on Oprah's program you can catch it at
How To Be 1 of 5 Million
Diana Briere

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Re: Oprah Asks ... How Would You Handle It?
3/17/2007 2:16:39 AM

Hi Terry, I also seen the show and  felt sorry for the guy who threw his money to the wind. Sorry also that he didn't have the mental sources to know what to do with it. It all seems so easy to think out for most of us but some just get caught up in the moment and see only an new way get things without thinking of the consequenses.

Now me.. I would pay afew bills to get into a comfort zone and then invest the rest in a fund that would make me a monthly payment which leaves the original amount where it is. This tome is the only safe way to do it. The extra monthly money would be a bonus.

It's sure nice to dream isn't it??

Thanks for this forum Terry

Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Oprah Asks ... How Would You Handle It?
3/17/2007 2:38:03 AM

Hi Terry,

There are some very sad and silly people but mostly they lack the ability to ask for help.

Having sudden wealth works for some in a positive way and some it brings all the god things but then they change into controlling and mean peope.It's human nature.

If only people would learn to share both sorrow and joy they would give their selves a better chance.

Have a prosperous day.


Terry Gorley

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Re: Oprah Asks ... How Would You Handle It?
3/17/2007 3:00:13 AM

Hello Diana & Roger,

Thank you for visiting the Grapevine.

I was sad for the people on the show.  I would loved to have given the fellow a 2nd chance and another $100,000.  Perhaps he would do better the 2nd time.  I understand it was an experiment, but it seemed almost like an unfair one.

It was nice to see the lady who lost it all learn some hard lessons and make a come back though. 

Its not always easy to do when there's drugs involved.  They're a horrible addiction and ruin so many lives.  

Of course that could be another topic.

Happy St. Patty's Day






How To Be 1 of 5 Million
Re: Oprah Asks ... How Would You Handle It?
3/17/2007 4:59:14 AM
Hi Terry, I did not see Oprah, but have heard stories like this and it always makes me wonder if I would end up in the same situation if I won a large sum of money. What is the 50-30-10-10 formula you are referring to? Have a terrific day everyone! Yvette