Hello Marlamar!
Thank you for coming, thank you for your kind words. Yes, God is very good. The more we get to know Him, the happier we become, as He guides us, supports us, fills our hearts with love.
Marlamar, you are a Woman of Couarage also, as you are an advocate for Children, Youth, and Persons Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and a Certified Counselor for persons being tested for HIV/AIDS.
I believe that your activities, such as weekly preaching, speaking engagements at various public events, lecturing, conducting workshops and trainings, counseling help people in their everyday life greatly.
I recommend everybody to see Marlamar's blog about her missionary activity at http://www.marviaspanamajournal.com/ It's amazing! You will not regret if you read it! It shows that there is always room for love and hope!
Thank you, Marlamar, for your lesson! I just sent you an invitation to become friends and will be happy if you accept it.
Natalya _____________________________
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