I am an Ordained Minister of Religion from Jamaica, now working as a Missioner Pastor in Panama. My professional qualifications include a Master of Sacred Theology (STM) in Historical Theology, B.A. Theology, and a Diploma in Ministerial Studies. The following are among my professional interests - History, Theology (Historical Theology), World Religions, Gender, Development, Sociology, Ethics (and Social Justice Issues).
I am an advocate for Children, Youth, and Persons Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and a Certified Counselor for persons being tested for HIV/AIDS. My work includes weekly preaching, speaking engagements at various public events, lecturing, conducting workshops and trainings, counseling, performing weddings and funerals and much more.
Online I am learning website building and promotion, internet marketing, Blogs, and moderating online groups.
Visit my favourite group at http://groups.google.com/group/Jamaica-Christian-Youth-Network
Read my Blog - Marvia's Panama Journal - http://www.marviaspanamajournal.com
I have a passion for history, religion and culture, traveling, and meeting people. I look forward to learning more about and from all of you. I anticipate making even more friends and look forward to even richer interractions.
Blessings and Peace, Marvia a.k.a. Marlamar