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Judy Smith

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Re: It's middle name day
3/10/2007 5:44:06 PM

Hi Mary,

Your forum made me giggle so I had to post.  My middle name is Mary. So I am Judith Mary.  From the cradle on up I've been Judy to everyone, and Jud to a very chosen few.

The giggle - guess you are wondering.  The ONLY person who EVER called me Judith Mary was my Mom - and ONLY when she was mad at me.  I couldn't help myself as the memory of her saying "Judith Mary" in her unique tone just popped right into my head.

Thanks for the memory!

God Bless,



Mary Hannan

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Re: It's middle name day
3/10/2007 5:58:10 PM
Hello Mary,
My middle name is Ellen. I was named after my Dad's oldest sister, Mary Ellen.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: It's middle name day
3/10/2007 6:00:08 PM

Hi Judith Mary,

Glad to bring back some memories.  Well isn't the middle name for the purpose of knowing when your parents are yelling at ya?

Guess I forgot to mention that idea.

Thanks Judith Mary for stopping in.

Mary Hofstetter

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Re: It's middle name day
3/10/2007 6:01:30 PM

Hi Mary Ellen,

Mary goes with ever so many names and I see you were named for an aunt also.  But you took both of her names....nice touch.

Kathy Kanouse

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Re: It's middle name day
3/10/2007 6:32:10 PM
Mary would you believe me if I told you I am not sure how I got my middle name. I do know that my first name of Katherine came from a doll my mom used to play with & her name was "chattie Kathy" I will surely ask her as soon as I can talk to her again. She is at work for the evening I will be back to answer that Middle name post.
Katherine Marie Kanouse

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