
Steven Suchar

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Re: If you PUT it there, people will put something IN it or ON it!
3/10/2007 10:31:33 PM
Hi Kathleen!
Wise Man say...don't dig for gold...sell the shovels so one can scoop the garbage to put in waste-basket!!
A desk...a shelf...the floor...a whole can stack up anywhere.
Have you ever seen "Life Laundry" on PBS TV in your neck of the woods?
See ya...Steven.




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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: If you PUT it there, people will put something IN it or ON it!
3/10/2007 11:25:54 PM

Hi Steven,

Mother Nature must think Florida is a flat's pics from a mail-order publisher of the hurricane that flattened his place just one year after he moved down there from another flat place...Ohio.


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Joe Downing

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Re: If you PUT it there, people will put something IN it or ON it!
3/10/2007 11:27:53 PM
I'm baaaaaaaaaack!

I am guilty too!  If there is a flat surface, it will inevitably attract something.  There must be a law about this like in the Murphy's Laws.  I really got my office looking great.  I finally parted with all those papers and gadgets that I hadn't used for over two years.  It wasn't hard to part with them either.   However, there has been an after shock to the cleanliness.  I don't feel important and accomplished.  I HAVE TO HAVE STACKS TO PROVE I'M DOING SOMETHING.   :)   Don't I?

In my former life (pre-marital), I was a super neat freak.  I had to be in the Army.  I actually have accommodations from a General or two due to my neatness.  What happened?  Is it me or is it a combination of kindred spirits that live in my house or work at my office?  I too, like JR, like trashcans about.  I do not like to see them even half full.  It is a twi-weekly assignment for trashcans to be emptied.  If I have to tell anyone to do it, no playing with the friends that evening.  Not only does my wife get mad, but her friends get mad at me too!

Like you said before Kathleen, "Oh well!"  <psst>
I found out that you can't say that out loud so the spouse can hear you.  You have to feel it and say it to yourself or sneak out into the alley. 

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Terry Gorley

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Re: If you PUT it there, people will put something IN it or ON it!
3/10/2007 11:56:46 PM


Its yours, Kathleen!  If your hubby doesn't care much for your clutter now, bet he sends it back real quick!

Our table isn't so cluttered most of the time anyway, but we don't use it much for eating either unless we have company.  Which table gets used depends on the occasion.

We sit in front of the BOOB TUBE to catch the news ... now that's exciting and good for the digestion too!  Should still have kids at home ... at least the table got used!


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Terry Gorley

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Re: If you PUT it there, people will put something IN it or ON it!
3/11/2007 12:05:45 AM

Hey Joe ...speaking of stacks ... when I do laundry ... I stack my hubby's white stuff ... socks and such things on HIS side of the bed ... that way he knows I do work sometimes too!


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