
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: If you PUT it there, people will put something IN it or ON it!
3/10/2007 3:02:14 PM

Hi Lauraine,

My dad is one of those people who constantly straightens up or tells everyone to pick up their stuff almost immediately.  I clean up my papers sometimes after I get tired of not being able to find what I need.  I'm surprised people get along, I know so many couples who are complete opposites, my mom is not a neat-freak, neither am I, but we are married to neat-freaks.

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: If you PUT it there, people will put something IN it or ON it!
3/10/2007 3:19:47 PM

Well well well Georgios,  a man finally admits it!
My husband had some raw chicken in the fridge and it leaked and when I told him about it, he didn't clean it up right away...and then it got onto some of the other food in there, and he still didn't clean it up, for 2 more days.  I don't clean up other peoples messes so he had to put up with me pestering him to clean it up for 2-3 days.  I finally said "If you lived with your mother you wouldn't leave a spilled mess in HER fridge for several days, would you?!"  and he said "My mom would have cleaned it up herself immediately!"  When men do things like that, it's not a test, it's another straw in the camel's back.  Anyway!

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John Rivera

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Re: If you PUT it there, people will put something IN it or ON it!
3/10/2007 5:17:30 PM

HI Kath

BEING a single dad for 12 years has made or turned me into a Picker Upper Dad. I have trash cans in all 4 bedrooms, in 2 bathrooms, in the kitchen, one outside the sliding door in the backyard, 1 in the garage and even one in the living room, kinda of hidden behind the couch, just in case we have trash to throw into it.  I don't empty those trash cans, they are all assigned someone to dispose of the contents as they fill up. I would rather have them there than NOT. If I see just one bit of trash somewhere, I we or someone has to pick it up.  I run a tight ship and all is pretty well in it's place.  Makes it easy and no one complains.  Also makes me happy, as I hate to see a dirty house.  Wow and hurray for my kids.


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Terry Gorley

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Re: If you PUT it there, people will put something IN it or ON it!
3/10/2007 8:00:52 PM

Hello Kathleen,

We had this conversation before! ... Where's Joe ... did you know he cleaned up his clutter? 

Anyway, in our previous conversation, I confessed to not liking clutter.  

Its the flat surface of my kitchen island that gets me ... it collects absolutely anything that's just passing through!  Doesn't matter how often I clean it, the thing just doesn't stay that way ... its like a damn magnate!

I've been going to remove it for the past 11 years, but its still here and as you can tell, its still an annoyance.

Hey JR, you sound like a great dad too! (I just told Joe the same thing in another forum)



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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: If you PUT it there, people will put something IN it or ON it!
3/10/2007 8:11:20 PM

Hi Terry,

Can you send us the kitchen island by U-haul?  My husband has always wanted one for some reason.  It will probably irk you to know that we don't use our kitchen table for eating, it's usually a pile of stuff all week and a place for the cats to sit and look out the window.  I clean it off once a week so I can unload my groceries onto it, then I put away the refrigerated items and leave the rest in bags on the table for a day or two.  Why are smart people so sloppy?  At least I'm not a doctor.  My sister complained about one of the doctors who was caring for my mom at the hospital because he always looked like he slept in his clothes and had pet hair around the cuffs of his pants.  The nurses said they get lots of comments about his unkempt appearance but he's one of their very best doctors...I bet he has cats on his kitchen table snooping thru all the grocery bags too!

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