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Re: Opinions Needed. Why are people reluctant to post on Adlandpro forums
3/8/2007 4:55:01 AM

Several scores of forum invitations are more than I can accommodate because some of my solid network partners use blogs more than forums and my solid partners rarely read emails. I selectively visit a variety of community forums at least once to give input and occassionally I learn something new.  There are the priority matters of record keeping  for my business that is routine.  I am my own secretary, accountant, advertising agency, wife, mother, student [almost finished] and it is necessary to sleep :)

Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: Opinions Needed. Why are people reluctant to post on Adlandpro forums
3/8/2007 9:35:05 AM
The "No show" comment also refers to posting on forums.  I beleive I am  not a chat or forum newbie, thank-you very much, William. Your comment about being too busy to repsond to my chat is also what being "on thin ice" is all about.

Priorities is all about making choices and when our health & well being restricts or limits who, why & when we interact with, then limitations of time & space, as was mentioned by other posters, hence we could find ourelves on the perverbial thin ice.

William, I also find your comment intersting and revealing you made about assuming that you would receive a chat about a sales pitch. That says tons about your perspective. I also agree with Thomas on not tbeing so hard on ourselves.           
Re: Opinions Needed. Why are people reluctant to post on Adlandpro forums
3/8/2007 10:29:50 AM

Hello Everybody

  Thank you all for responding to this forum. We are getting some really interesting viewpoints.

  Something that stands out to me in these replies is that people do have a limited amount of time to spend online. Also, peoples opinions are based solidly on their personal experience. We have heard from people who have established their priorities about where they post based on business so I wonder, does being active on social forums help you with your business. Does being active on the busines forums help you with your social networking.

   Something that I have noticed is that it has been a long time since I have received an invitation to a forum that wasn't about business. I still open the invitations but I don't respond to them.

   Something else that I have noticed is that many of the invitations to be friends I receive don't have my name on them and are basically just an ad. In this case, I usually just click accept and move on. I have a tendency not to respond to people who don't take the extra few seconds it takes to add my name to an invitation. Is this something that other people do also.

   Well, the conversation seems to be going pretty well so I think I will step back again and just listen for a while. Thanks again everybody.

Sincerly, Bill

May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Opinions Needed. Why are people reluctant to post on Adlandpro forums
3/8/2007 10:56:24 AM
Hello Bill,

Thank you for the invitation to your forum.  This has
been a very interesting topic and very good responses written in return. 

I agree with much of what has already been written
and just add a little more too. - That it sometimes
depends on the amount of invitations I receive in my
mailbox and what time I have to come and write a
response to a members forum. 

I am not usually one to just write a line or two and it
does take me time to think through, type then edit as
I read back over to see if I make sense etc. 

These forum setups do not work well for me because
of the flow of members responses and additional subject topic (which I am not writing negatively about) can throw one off..e.g. There are some times which I have spent quite a bit of time trying hard to respond to the subject matter and the owner has misunderstood me and in the course of the forum postings from other members it has been too difficult to try and correct the misunderstanding so I have often just left it.

It would be really great if the forum was set up that
you can actually respond to a specific post by clicking
on that post and adding your comment to the bottom which would keep the topics flowing and you could actually interact with other members of the forum - These forums, should you want to interact with a specific members comment you can actually inadvertantly throw the whole topic off when someone else comes in and does not read all the pages up to that point and writes from the last post..

Kind regards
Amanda Martin-Shaver

Joe Downing

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Re: Opinions Needed. Why are people reluctant to post on Adlandpro forums
3/8/2007 11:03:54 AM
Hello Bill, everyone posting and to the lurkers.  :)

There is no way I can even try to read all the forums and posts, much less try to reply in them.  I have only been ridiculed twice in a month here, but I never let that bother me because it's usually a reflection of those peoples personalities.  It's part of the social game. 

Another reason I may not reply in a post is because it was just good information and there really wasn't anything to say other than "thank you for the great information".   Sometimes that doesn't even seem relevant.  Time is a big factor.

The forums I try to respond to are the ones that are covering a topic of which I feel that I have experience enough to help someone.  I even try to participate in a few forums that involve some humor and anything to help make others smile.  I like to be involved in motivational and inspirational forums.  And of course a few like this one where my input may be helpful in solving a collective problem.

Here is a quote that I adore especially when it comes to social gatherings:

"We have only three basic needs: to belong, to be appreciated, and to be loved unconditionally.  To belong, we must include.  To be appreciated, we must first appreciate.  To be loved unconditionally, we must love unconditionally."
~Pamela S. Carter

Oh, and one other thing.  I always expect positive feedback when I request it and expect people to smile when I post something humorous and I always expect someone to find my posts of some interest.  I never post to just be posting.  There is always a purpose.
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