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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Over The Garden Gate
3/3/2007 11:46:18 AM
Hi Phil, Here's more lovely places to visit when you have time away from your work. Welcome to the Garden Garden Friends Gardens Down Under-gardening in the southern hemisphere Flip Flop--Is it summer or winter Gtreen Wiz---a nice site for a small fee a month 10 day free trial
Edward Pena

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Re: Over The Garden Gate
3/5/2007 8:32:24 PM
Hi Mary,

Have not started my garden yet.  Waiting a few more weeks.

Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Over The Garden Gate
3/12/2007 2:56:41 PM

Hi Mary,

I'm just going to hang my coat on the gate here. Wonderful.

The first REAL spring-like days arrived here in Southern England this weekend.

If you found a little shelter from the breeze you could experience that warm, bright and comforting feeling that those first few promises of summer bring.

We have had so much rain this winter that last summer's drought seems a long way off. Will we get the same again? Who knows?

At the end of the summer I sourced waterbutts (water barrels) from ecofriendly sources and offered a fitting service.

Too many accidents happen to kids and animals through baddly fitted butts so I decided to do something about it. I soon discovered lots of barrels sitting in peoples gardens, half-full of water, waiting to be fitted to downpipes. A whole winters water wasted. Orders are coming in, so looks like a busy spring.

Mary, you said advertise here, so here goes.

I am a garden designer. I am based on the borders of Hampshire, Surrey and W.Sussex in Southern England.

I offer a full landscaping service too and will even maintain your garden after construction. My plant knowledge is my biggest asset.

The waterbutt supply and fitting is done by my other business IFSOR BUTTS.

If you live in London or south of there, I can transform your garden and your lifestyle. First contact should be made through e-mail

I look forward to seeing you.

Roger Macdivitt

Thanks again Mary,

I shall follow this forum with care from my place in the sun.


Terry Gorley

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Re: Over The Garden Gate
3/12/2007 5:50:00 PM


Please welcome Pat Hawkes to our garden team. 

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Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Over The Garden Gate
3/12/2007 6:16:27 PM

Hi Judy,

Most of the photos that I have taken over the years were on the old 35mm camera and not on digital, however I do have some. I will see if I can process a few for you. I don't have a website for that business as I have, in the last few years, moved into hypnotherapy and online marketing and didn't need the photos as most of my garden design work I got through referral.

I will do my best to dig some out.

