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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Over The Garden Gate
7/22/2007 5:14:21 PM
Hey there Roger, Great idea for recycling plastic bottles. Oh boy I am now enthused about next years garden and our growing season isn't ended yet here for 2007. Now if I can keep myself home next summer, I might do some gardening. This year because I was going to be gone for 8 weeks I didn't plant much. However I have 10 butternut squash doing nicely in my front flower bed where I threw food scraps. Oh the fun of a garden surprize.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Over The Garden Gate
8/1/2007 8:28:50 PM
Hi everyone, Valerie Calvin has posted a recipe for fertilizer. Go visit and tell the rest of us your opinion. Roger, I picked up a gardening book and glanced through it at a thrift store. I saw the plastic bottles you mentioned. I thought the tops were to be cut off too but they pictured them with only the bottom cut out. Besides water going right to the roots as you mentioned, they said it kept unwanted slug like creatures from nibbling on the leaves.
Judy Smith

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Re: Over The Garden Gate
8/1/2007 9:03:12 PM

Hi Mary,

I saw your post in Valerie's recipe forum and thought I would come hang over the Garden Gate.  I read through and there is some great stuff here since I last visited.    We should rally some other gardeners together.  There is so much great information to be shared.



Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Over The Garden Gate
8/2/2007 1:39:26 AM

Hi Mary,

Yes, I just remove the screw-on lid and cut off the bottom. The best tool is a small hacksaw or serrated knife but please, everyone, be careful.

I'm going to try Valeries recipe.

