Hey Kathy,
I knew someone in New Mexico that got out of the cult in Waco before the tragedy. He was 17 and had been raised there so his deprogramming was a task. Counciling as was stated earlier is only effective with those who wish to be counciled. Cults use fear of your worst case senarios coming true to weaken you, they blast your self estmeme by saying you can not fight it, there is no way for you to win, then force their will by stepping in as a guardian angel. They say, Your are facing unbeatable forces working against you, but they can and will help you avoid your fate as long as you trust them to lead you in the right direction.
From that breaking point where you feel lost and helpless they come in and rescue you from your fears, and as your hero you will follow all they tell you in the future. This same technique was used by Hitler in the Nazi schools, where children were scared into seeing the 3rd Riech as their only salvation, and is the strength behind the Muslim Gihad extreemest who would strap a bomb to themselves out of a overzealous fear of reprisal and exile, or dishonorable death.
Organized religeon bears some similarities, in the fact that the pitch goes, you are going to hell, this is why, you were born into it, you are unclean. Where it differs is that Jesus Christ is offered as the salvation and the bible as his will and code, thus we follow his teachings. Cults use the bible as a lead in and usually the leader claims to be Christ re-incarnate or one of the many prophets spoke of in the new testiment. They prey on the abused, and those with a guilty conceince, offer salvation through the acts of a mortal man/woman.
Religeon can help or hamper the recovery, depending on the timing. Supporting, encouraging, and bolstering self esteme must be the first step because as long as the victim sees themselves as worthless, or less than worthy they will continue to attach to leaders and could easily fall prey again.
Andy Zeus Anderson
My friends cousins was lucky, as his wake up call came 3 months before the FBI stormed the compound. Funny that lust and envy should cause him to question and be exiled. He had found a very supportive family waiting on the outside and was considering a life in the church as a baptist minister and recovery councilor.