Hello my friends,
I really need your help on this one .Someone sent me this and is asking me for my help. Can you tell me what you think of this topic and or article please????
A family needs your help!!!!
Kathy Hamilton/simikathy.com
Options for Helping Yourself
To truly recover from an undue influence situation, most people
require specialized cult counseling. Traditional psychotherapy almost
never works.
The reason for this, quite simply, is that most therapists are
not trained to help someone with mind control and cult-related problems.
I cannot tell you how many people have complained to me that they
wound up spending their money on therapy sessions in which they
had to teach the therapist about cult mind control. It is only after
receiving specialized counseling that many come to realize the years
of unnecessary suffering they endured. One of the most common complaints
I hear from my clients is how their therapist ignored, minimized,
or simply did not understand the deception, manipulation and mind
control that are hallmarks of the cult experience. Many were mistakenly
directed by their therapists to look at childhood issues to explain
why they ‘joined’ the cult, ignoring the fact that most
members are deceptively recruited. What I have learned as a counselor
and ex-member is that dealing with childhood issues is usually best
done after dealing with the entire mind control experience.
Many of the individuals I have counseled left the cult or abusive
relationship years ago, some as many as 30 years ago, but have suffered
from programmed cult beliefs ever since. Ex-members who have not
yet gotten effective counseling often experience a variety of psychological
and relationship problems—anxiety disorders, panic attacks,
sleep disorders, lack of trust, paranoia, feelings of alienation.
Untreated, they often become especially vulnerable to the normal
stresses of life, such as health problems, the deaths of friends
and loved ones, divorce and, especially in recent years, economic
pressures and the threat of terrorism. In addition, ex-members are
often unconsciously triggered by environmental cues that are part
of their left-over cult programming. Some ex-members get to the
point that they actually think about returning to the cult, or feel
they must seek out some new guru, leader, or group. It takes time
and effort to get beyond the black and white, us-versus-them, elitist
mentality that cults tend to program into their members.
The way to recover from destructive mind control is to learn to
control your own mind. This statement underlies my entire approach.
What I do in my practice is help people develop higher states of
self-awareness so that they can reclaim, or in some cases, create
for the first time, a healthy internal locus of control. Cults actively
work to short-circuit this internal locus of authority. Using a
variety of mind control techniques, and especially by cultivating
allegiance to a central authority figure, they can turn even the
most independent-minded person into an obedient cult member. Though
one of my main aims is to undo this cult programming, I have found
that what works best is for people to take responsibility for their
own recovery. I serve as counselor and coach to help people know
themselves so that they can change and grow in healthy ways.