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Re: Share Your Business Here
8/14/2008 11:18:58 AM
If you are interested in search for old friends that you lost contact with,or maybe browse for blogs, or pictures,high school friends,etc....check this site out

Or if you are interested in make a few extra bucks a month check this site HERE!....not convinced yet,then check this one HERE!

To your success,


Enjoy Health and Build Wealth


RE: I think you should check this out...
8/18/2008 3:19:41 AM

RE: I think you should check this out...

I've found a website that I think you should take
a look at. It's a FREE money making system that
automatically generates upto 12 streams of
income! It's really easy to set up, ingenious and FREE!!
Bet your wondering - 'What's the Catch?'.
There is NO catch! The beauty of this system is -
These guys only make money when we make money.
So it's been designed to help you every step of the
way. I've signed up!

Its the best Money Making System ever and it’s FREE!, check it out.


PS: You also get access to their library of over
40 e-books and software applications, that have
been specially designed to help people like us
make money online. This, is its self, is worth over
$2000!! And we get it for FREE!!

Free People Search
8/25/2008 8:36:29 PM

Interested in searching for old friends?... or maybe browse for blogs, or pictures,run a background check,search by SSN,search by phone number,... or maybe you wants to know who's searching for you?,....check this site out

                      You Ask,...we answer!


Enjoy Health and Build Wealth


Re: Share Your Business Here
8/31/2008 4:47:30 AM

Good day to you Bev. Clicked on your G1G4Lite link and something went wrong with it. Just thought I'd be a good Samaritan and let you know. Also


To increase your home security go to my website and sign up for my home security news letter. Your entire family will be much safer in the future. You will all be glad that you did. See more at 

Re: Share Your Business Here
9/13/2008 2:41:03 PM
Diamond Elite is a new marketing arm of BBS Global that
specializes in training network marketers to build their
businesses efficiently and effectively on the Internet.

It comes with:

- 7 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Company forced 3 X 6 Matrix where the company will put
in up to 3000 members per month to back fill all gaps to
ensure continuous growth.
- $17.00 Signup bonus for every personally sponsored
$20.00 Membership
-5 hours of conference room time every month per position
to build what ever business you want

You will get:

- Access to a 24/7 LIVE Support Conference Room
- System Members Area with Forum and Conference
Based Training
- Access to our LIVE Step-By-Step Training
- Access to Video Training
- Access to LIVE Marketing Tools to promote your business

All the above for only $20.00 per month

We have trainings every Tuesday and Thursday at both 3
:00pm and 9:00pm EST in our conference room.

Please go to BBSGlobalDiamondElite and take a look

If you have any questions at all, you can access our 24 hr Live
conference room at or feel free to
contact me at


Barbara Chapman

The WealthSystem™ Online Income Education Service

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