Hello Geketa,
Thank you. I believe that one should share with another to uplift, inspire and encourage as the Word tells us. The older to guide the younger - not necessarily old in age but experience, school of hard knocks etc as we can learn how another overcame challenges that were presented to them and either keep what works for yourself and throw out what is not going to work.
Example.. I learned some very effective ways to bring my two children up as the youngest in my family from watching what worked with my siblings with their training to their children and had a much easier time with my two than many others did. I learned to not Sweat the Small Stuff - Be consistant in when I said No I ment No and there was no arguments about it. To have rules and chores to be done that we kept to and the consequences when these rules, were broken to keep a happy household. I found the 5 count down to work very well. Especially for my son who was my tough cookie and was quite stubborn! When it was time for bed or what ever needed to be done (they were told the rules) I would say FIVE which meant I want your attention and I would tell him it was now time for bed and he knew that he had 4 to get up and start 3 he better be up and ready 2 he better be on his way 1 I was chasing after him as the consequences was punishment - He was grounded, no going to his friends place and no friends coming home with him, very little TV watching - less or stricter depending on what the children did.
Kind regards Amanda