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Expecting Mothers -Hundreds of Toxic Chemicals Found in Umbilical Cords
2/18/2007 1:22:06 AM

This just totally blew me away because now I can see clearly the connection of why many children develop Cancer at a very young age. If you know any expecting Mothers please have them read this so they can take action immediately.


There are natural and safe supplements made in food form that will help the expecting Mother and her new baby. It all begins with the one thing the Mother does every day and that is Drinking water. Please read on and at the end I give you solutions to this critical problem.


Hundreds of toxic chemicals in umbilical cords of newborns

By E. Galen 7 December 2005

The umbilical cord is a baby's lifeline, bringing nourishment from the mother and removing waste. The amniotic fluid bathes the growing embryo, and the umbilical cord brings the embryo oxygen, nutrients-and a startling array of toxic industrial chemicals, according to a recent study, "Body Burden: The Pollution in Newborns."

In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers from two major laboratories looked for the presence of toxic chemicals in umbilical cord blood of 10 newborn babies born in
hospitals in August and September 2004. A collaboration of the Environmental Working Group and Commonweal brought about the study. (Click here for the full report.)

Of the more than 400 chemicals tested for, 287 were detected in umbilical cord blood. Of these, 180 cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 are toxic to the brain or nervous system, and 208 cause birth defects or abnormal development in animals. Scientists refer to the presence of such toxins in the newborn as "body burden."

According to the study's authors, the scope of testing was limited because chemical companies are not required to divulge methods for detecting the presence of their chemicals in the human body. "Had we tested for a broader array of chemicals," they wrote, "we would almost certainly have detected far more than 287."

Among those substances found to be polluting the blood supply for the newborn babies were eight perfluorochemicals used as stain and oil repellants in fast-food packaging, clothes and textiles, including the Teflon chemical PFQA, a carcinogen; dozens of widely used bromated flame retardants and their toxic byproducts; and many pesticides.

This latest research was done to investigate the root causes of diseases caused by chemicals with in-uterus origins. Certain factors contribute to children's unique susceptibility to the dangerous effect of chemicals. An immature porous blood-brain barrier in the fetus allows greater chemical exposures to the developing brain; a developing child's chemical exposures are greater pound-for-pound than those of an adult; and systems that detoxify and excrete industrial chemicals are not fully developed (National Academy of Sciences, 1993).

Here is a summary from the report of the classes of chemical found in the babies' umbilical cord. Many of them persist for decades in the environment and in people, accumulate in the food chain and are lipophilic, that is, accumulate in fatty tissue and fluids such as breast milk.


Chemicals and pollutants found in human umbilical cord blood (Source: EWG study)

Mercury (Hg)
Tested for 1, found 1 Pollutant from coal-fired power plants, mercury-containing products, and certain industrial processes. Accumulates in seafood. Hurts brain development and function.

Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Tested for 18, found 9 Pollutants from burning gasoline and garbage. Linked to cancer. Accumulate in food chain.

Polybrominated dibenzodioxins and furans (PBDD/F)
Tested for 12, found 7 Contaminants in brominated flame retardants. Pollutants and byproducts from plastic production and incineration. Accumulate in food chain. Toxic to developing endocrine (hormone) system.

Per fluorinated chemicals (PFCs)
Tested for 12, found 9 Active ingredients or breakdown products of Teflon, Scotchgard, fabric and carpet protectors, food packaging. Global contaminants. Accumulate in the environment and the food chain, in meat, dairy, fish and eggs. Linked to cancer, birth defects, and more.

Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and furans (PBCD/F)
Tested for 17, found 11 Pollutants, by-products of PVC production, industrial bleaching, and incineration. Cause cancer in humans. Persist for decades in the environment. Very toxic to developing endocrine (hormone) system.

Organochlorine pesticides (OCs)
Tested for 28, found 21 DDT, chlordane and other pesticides. Largely banned in the U.S. Persist for decades in the environment. Accumulate up the food chain to man. Cause cancer and numerous reproductive effects.

Polybrominated biphenyl ethers (PBDEs)
Tested for 46, found 32 Flame retardant in furniture foam, computers, and televisions. Accumulates in the food chain and human tissues. Adversely affects brain development and the thyroid.

Polychlorinated naphthalene’s (PCNs)
Tested for 70, found 50 Wood preservatives, varnishes, machine-lubricating oils, waste incineration. Formed during chlorination of drinking water. Common PCB contaminant. Contaminate the food chain. Cause liver and kidney damage.

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
Tested for 209, found 147
Industrial insulators and lubricants. Banned in the
U.S. in 1976. Persist for decades in the environment. Accumulate up the food chain; in meat, dairy and seafood. Cause cancer and nervous system problems.


Long-term effects

Chemicals that may not show harmful effects a short time after exposure may cause subtle changes in development that show up later in childhood as learning or behavior problems or in adulthood as cancers or neurodegenerative disease. Recent studies are beginning to look at how early chemical exposure can put adult health at risk. Scientists from the University of Texas found that fetal exposure to the synthetic hormone and now-banned drug DES permanently changed body tissues and raised the rate of uterine cancer in later life in laboratory animals.

Science understands and can control the spread of polio, smallpox, diphtheria and other diseases that were scourges in the past. But less clear is the cause of diseases on the increase over the last 30 years: asthma (100 percent increase 1982-1993), childhood brain cancer (40 percent increase 1973-1994), acute lymphocyte leukemia (62 percent increase 1973-1999) and autism (1,000 percent increase from early 1980s to 1996). Early life exposure to environmental toxins is certainly one suspect.

To get the rest of this article click here:


Did you know that 30 years ago we only had about 10 vaccinations compare to today is 2007 a child will receive 74 vaccines. Could their be a connection in the increase of  the diseases mentioned due to the TOXIC LOAD of chemicals going directly into the child’s blood. Go here NOW!


OK! Now that you know how toxic it can be for a FETUS in the womb here is what you must do ASAP! to DETOX so that your blood will receive help in cleaning it self to protect the Fetus.


1- Drink ph enhanced water Xtreme X20.  It will fortify your water with 74 electrolytes and minerals and will make the water wetter in smaller water

molecules that will penetrate deep into the cells and carry out the TOXIC waste.

Most important it will STOP Acidosis due to the Toxic Load of chemicals.


2-  Buy Clay Bath. Will take out heavy metals through the skin.


3- Buy Chlorella, Spirulina, and Cilantro – Make a green drink and drink it every day. Will help with Detoxing Brain cells


4-  Buy Ambrotose, Ambrotose AO, Immunostart, Plus, and Phytomatrix –

You can get this here:

Referred by Roberto AC


After you have done the Detox you will need to take supplements in food form that will help to repair and rebuild damaged cells especially Brain cells. In my opinion the products mentioned in step #4 are one of the best in the market that have been validated to rebuild damaged cells and immunity.

Go here to listen to great testimonies:


Be sure to go and read the FREE Cancer prevention Report so you can

Learn about the Things To Do To Stop Feeding Cancer. Especially if you are an expecting Mother. This is really critical because some of the products that you may be using daily have ingredients that are so TOXIC that they were band in the Europe in 1976. This ingredient is called DEA and it is really bad.


Go here now and copy and pate the info into a document so that you can make a copy for easy access:


You must do all of these things if you want to have a healthier baby and also to reduce the risk of disease do to low immunity.


Finally you need to go here and learn as much as you can to protect your self and the baby from unnecessary shots, vaccines and medication that can really harm you and the baby:


compulsory birth regulation"
Subject: PRI Weekly Briefing - anti-pregnancy vaccine
In Paul Ehrlich's crude fantasy, The Population Bomb, "compulsory birth regulation" was to be achieved by polluting the water supply with "mass sterilizing agents."[1]

More sophisticated population controllers dreamed of a contraceptive vaccine that would, with the stick of a needle, sterilize women (or men) for years at a time. The zealous among them, and there were many, argued that the seriousness of the problem made it necessary to administer the shots by force.


To your health and success

Robert C


Gail Dennis

114 Posts
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Re: Expecting Mothers -Hundreds of Toxic Chemicals Found in Umbilical Cords
2/21/2007 3:07:24 PM
We are the product of our society. There are countless polutants in the air we breath, the foods we eat and the clothings we wear. We are constantly bombarded with chemicals, some useful, most harmful. Chemical toxins build up in our bodies, especially in fat cells. These chemical toxins contribute to poor health, from obesity to unexplained aches and pains. Cleansing is one way to help the body to rid itself of toxins. In days past when folk medicine was practice (herb lore), grandmothers used to use natural herbs (bushes) to "clean out" the family. They knew which combination of herbs did what and how much to give. Personal experience: I had the measles for one day. That night before I went to bed my aunt gave me a hot steam and herb bath (boiling water in a big galvanized pail, some plants that grew wild). I sat on a bath stool under a heavy cotton sheet and sweated, until the water got warm, she applied a body salve and wrap me up in a cotton-like a mummy. Next day no measles, no hint that I was sick the day before). I have been remarkably healthy all my life. I know that quality herbs, natural ingredients and cleansing are keys to good health. It worked then and continues to work now! Continued good health is dependent on removing toxins and impurites from the body. It is true, our bodies are designed to take relatively good care of itself, but as our environment becomes more toxic, our food derived nutrients get depleted, our bodies have more to cope with, less to work with and has to work harder to maintain health and as time goes by the body becomes inefficient in coping with these problems. This inefficiency is manifested as dis-eases.
Re: Expecting Mothers -Hundreds of Toxic Chemicals Found in Umbilical Cords
2/22/2007 11:14:44 PM

Hello Gail,


Thanks again for your support.


Your aunt is a very wise woman. Gail you need to be sure and get

The herb formula that she used to help get rid of the chickenpox.


It is really amazing that you got over the chickenpox in 24 hours WOW!


Be sure to read and copy the Free Cancer Prevention Report:

Click Here:


To get your Opt-Out exemption for Gardacil go here:


Bottom line you need to investigate before you vaccinate. To learn more about this Gardacil vaccine click here:


If you have ever wondered what’s in a vaccine then go here:


To your health and success

