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Bogdan Fiedur

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Action may not always bring happiness...
6/29/2005 12:20:22 PM
"Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action." Benjamin Disraeli
Re: Action may not always bring happiness...
6/29/2005 12:39:02 PM
Benjamin, do you get the Daily Motivator from Ralph Martson?? If you do, read the GETTING IT DONE for May if you didn't, and let me know and I can send it to you... Linda/CMAS, BS, RN YAHOO IM - BizNurse2001
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Action may not always bring happiness...
6/29/2005 1:04:12 PM
Hello Bogdan my friend,Will be leaveing here tomorrow for washington to take son home to his area of living,It will be nice to sleep in real bed,well on action may not always bring happiness,I think if one goes into action with giving heart no matter what the out come is there can still be happiness,in just knowing that you took the leap of faith.thanks,your friend,kathy martin
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Drbob Siegman

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Re: Action may not always bring happiness...
6/29/2005 6:27:32 PM
Greetings and a Great Day to all ALP members and friends, While there are exceptions to every rule, I belive what Mr Disraeli was referring to, is happiness very rarely happens on it's on to those who just sit upon a rock and do nothing but waiting for it to come along. In life if you want something to happen, be it happiness, success, or whatever, you must take action and do Something.
Shelly Hargis

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Re: Action may not always bring happiness...
6/29/2005 7:53:40 PM
Hello Bogdan and All here at AdlandPro. So very True. Thank You for Always Motivating and Inspiring us All. Your Friend, Shelly Hargis

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