Hi Roger,
I don't get out of my trash can long enough to block anyone. I believe I have blocked two people since I've been in the community, however, when I did isent them each a PM explaining why I did so. Ours is both a networking as well as a friendship community. We also have a diverse group of friends from all over the world. Each person is an individual and as such may or may not always agree with a friends opinion. Yes, it does hurt when you are blocked from a friends list, and yes, when you do block a friend you do have to state your reason for doing so to admin. I would rather constipate, or rather concentrate on those that are my friends rather than worry about those who are not. Most of our members do have something to offer, however they do not normally block you if you refuse there offer. There are different methods in which to get your point across. It is like trolling for fish. If you troll long enough sooner or later you will hook something, if you are lucky you will fill your boat. In my own personal opinion, I would rather have my boat filled with friendship, because friendship to me is worth all the monet making deals in the world. Shirley and I both have a lot of fantastic friends in this community, but we have not had to buy into their plan to have it be that way. There are some that have joined our community that don't understand this concept and have eventually moved on to other communities. Think of it in this way. How many other communities that you belong to do you know when a member is getting married, going on vacation, having an operation, or in sad cases when they have lost their lives. Ours is a very unique community. As you have seen with this forum we are here to help each other. When we are sick, and sometimes scared, we have friends to reach out to. They will relate to you what they have done to overcome their illness and in more cases then one if they have a product that they feel will help you, they will send you enough to get you through your period of sickness.
If you check the majority of forums you will find that this forum has already exceeded the expectancy of replies. That is because above all else what you do have in AdlandPro Community are people that have been there, done that, and know what you are going through. Think positive and cherish the friends that you do have, because if one person blocks you, chances are, he wasn't a friend to begin with.
Take care my friend, and keep trolling.
(If you hook a Baracuda, throw it back, It's probably my ex-wife)
Relax, sit back and enjoy some Jerky
