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Roger Bjornerud

1658 Posts
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Which friend is blocking me?
2/13/2007 9:41:18 AM
I just noticed, when looking at my AdlandPro stats, that I am
being blocked by a friend. However I can't see who it is.

Do you know how to see who is blocking you?

Personally I would like to remove the person from my friends list.
(I rather prefer to be blocked by a user than a friend..)

Edit 10/3-2007:
Conclusion after discussing with other members and testing:

The stats that tells me that someone was blocking me was not true.
What really happened was that a friend removed me from their list.

This showed up as a friend blocking me (still does).

The removal (blocking) of a friend from your friendslist does
not block that person (formerly known as friend) from sending
you personal messages via the Instant Messaging system you
find under Networking -> Personal.

Neither does it stop notifications about new posts in forums you
are a member of that is run by the person (formerly known as friend).

I have told support about this, and that I would like it to be changed.

My personal opinion is that if you remove a friend from your friendslist
then that person should be removed for that list. End of story.

You are free to read all of the posts about this subject.
Some of it might still be interesting, even when you know the answer.

I do not recommend testing.
I did some testing with Andrew Birse, and we messed things up so
much that they still haven't been able to get it back to normal.

Andrew is now blocking me.. :)
He is on my friendslist, but I can't send him any IMs..
Wonder if he gets my Direct messages (different system).
Here I go again.. ;)
Roger Bjornerud - Back from vacation - Planning the next :)

Free Leads System . Click here to visit my Blog 5 Key Formula Steps

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Which friend is blocking me?
2/13/2007 9:53:34 AM
You won't know unless you click on FRIENDS and try to send individual messages.  If the person didn't tell you, then you may never know who it is or why.
Roger Bjornerud

1658 Posts
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Re: Which friend is blocking me?
2/13/2007 9:57:49 AM
Hi Kathleen,

I considered trying that.
Then I thought I should ask and see if I could get an easier path.

Maybe I'll do it.. ;)
Roger Bjornerud - Back from vacation - Planning the next :)

Free Leads System . Click here to visit my Blog 5 Key Formula Steps

Eileen Spiers

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Re: Which friend is blocking me?
2/13/2007 9:59:13 AM
It isn't me Roger,I'm proud to have you as a friend.Fondest Regards Eileen
Scott Obrien

163 Posts
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Re: Which friend is blocking me?
2/13/2007 10:08:43 AM

Hi Roger.

....LOL It's not me! I never block anyone!

Hey Roger... it's ok. Some people are only here for one purpose. To send you offers about their businesses and they will block all incoming mail just because they aren't interested in anything else. However - they need to be your friend to send the message. I know I'm blocked by several friends and I'm ok with that.

Hey Roger... someday when we become millionaires... we'll offer all our friends $100. Those that block will never get it right?

I don't think there is any way to find out. It's a personal option. I wouldn't worry about it. Just focus on your friends that interact with you ok? They are the ones that will take you farther in life. I have over 3100 friends here and I get several messages per day to go through. Yea, it does take time, but I enjoy each and every one. It may be a personal story or it may be strickly business, but I try to respond to as many as I can. It's great to know there is a real person out there that cares and not just someone looking to have a bigger downline.

Take Care Roger,


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