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Joe Downing

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Re: Info Request - Have you been paid? - Not an Ad
2/15/2007 6:54:59 AM
Hi Dodie and Lynn and all,

I hear you.  I have never found an opportunity that just started paying.  It doesn't matter what opportunity you are in, all of them require a form of advertising to peak someone's interest.  Then there is usually the round of answering some questions.  Then, they always ask you, "will this work".  What would you say for your business?  I remember Jim Rohn quoting Wayn Dyer's famous...

"When you change the way you look at things,
things change."

I love this quote and it caused a major paradigm shift in my business outcome.  I was in the wrong business doing all of the wrong things for the wrong reasons with the wrong team.  Then I got it!  I started asking the right questions to the right people.  I started receiving the right answers.   I  started having the right results.  But, it still took some time and effort on my part doing the right things for the right reason.   My Team shared all of their leads and experiences.  Now I get paid.  Now, that is the right way to do the business.  I will not hope that you figure it out, I pray that you figure out the changes to make so that you will have great success.

Drinking our water helps me with clarity and energy!

Try some today.

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Re: Info Request - Have you been paid? - Not an Ad
2/17/2007 11:43:52 AM
Hi Dodie. I agree. I don't know why the pushy types seem to get all the sign-ups. Personally, I'm like you, I'd rather spend my money with a company that just gives me the facts and then leaves me to make up my own mind. By the way...How are you doing with DeskTopLightening? I joined that about 3 days after it launched with promises of massive downlines and after 4 months I still only have 6 people in my downline and only one of those is from my referrals. This all happened within the first few weeks. Despite continuing to promote it, there has been no further activity on my account (except that the number of people sending stuff to me has increased quite a bit). I'm now thinking of uninstalling it as I don't see much point in sending my ads to only 6 people each time. What would be better, is a system that allows you to contact everyone on the system and not just your downline. Does anyone know of such a system? All those I've seen seem to work only to your downline. Changing the subject slightly... Today I found a new tool to promote and it is also free. You can't beat free! I've always avoided having anything to do with adsense in the past. Partly due to the low return and partly due to the number of hours required to put enough sites together. Not to mention all the problems with search rankings that a lot of poorly made websites cause. Now I finally have cause to enter the "Adsense game". I have just found this great program that enables you to make a good residual income with adsense, as well as helping you to promote your existing businesses. All for FREE. Here is a program that can create websites fast that get high rankings in the search engines. Multiple sources of income are possible even without buying the upgrade. It has made fast regular incomes for so many people from newbies to gurus, and even a 12 year old kid! All the testimonials are there. I was so impressed by this software that I've added it as number 4 of my top ten free marketing tools (on my Adland Web Page). Check it out now at Let me know what you think of it. I'll let you know if it finally starts creating a residual income for me where all these other "opportunities" have failed.
Re: Info Request - Have you been paid? - Not an Ad
2/17/2007 11:56:14 AM
Its easy enough to say that. I'm sure we all know that advertising is required. That is why we are here! But if you have no idea what you are doing wrong, how can you know who to ask, what to say, and what you need to change? Why don't you give us some clear examples instead of all these riddles and motivational claptrap? I already believe I AM in the right business. I AM already doing the things that the so-called "experts" are telling me are the right things to do. I AM already asking questions that are relevant to my business concerns. But I am not recieving any answers, and I'm not getting any results. WHY??? Perhaps your format only applies to a certain kind of product or business. We are not all in the same kind of business here.
Re: Info Request - Have you been paid? - Not an Ad
2/20/2007 9:18:57 AM
Hi All!

After reading al the posts in this thread, I am going to spit out my 2 Canuck cents.

I've been online and actively marketing for about 7 years. In ALL that time I can honestly say that I have never made more than a few paltry pennies from any of these so called programs. It took me about 4 years to figure out why.

Since I realized the critical flaw and changed my tactics, I have earned. It's been a slow process and it still is, but it's growing steady and allows me to spend more time doing effective work instead of wasting time.

What did I change?

Simply this - I picked an opportunity that had a REAL product/service that could be used by virtually anyone, anywhere, any time. and I gave up actively advertising in places like Adland. Sure, I still talk to people about it here at Adland...but I took the bulk of my advertising OUTSIDE the marketer's community. I took the offering to the average Joe.

Don't get me wrong, Adland and the like can be useful tools. I've just found that the mindset of most people on sites like Adland is largely influenced by dollar sign blinders. Most people don't look closely enough at what they are really promoting... only the hypey " make this much" part, imaginations run away with people and poof, now they are into something they wil likely not see any money from. They fail to realize they may be doing like many others and putting a noose around their financial necks just like I did to myself for 4 years.

Over the past couple years I have done "opp assessments" with about 30 people. After giving the opportunity and offering an honest, no holds barred evaluation, 8 out of 10 people realized what they were doing was generally useless to anyone but other marketers. Marketing something that is only good to a specific and limited number ofpeople is like marketing shoes that only fit feet with 3 toes.... it's a much smaller market than marketing shoes to the rest of the people who have feet with 5 toes.

Know what I mean.? I feel that it's this shoe box effect that causes the musical opp hopping that we all see. There is only so much money to go around in a closed environment like a business community. The real money is out there in the "rest of the world"

Until people re-evaluate what they offer to see if it will "survive" in the "rest of the world" they'll be like I was... stuck in the shoebox.

My key to "success" was to stop the program hopping, sit down with pad and paper and re-evaluate my action plan.

For each opp I had going I asked myself questions like:

What is the REAL product or service?
Is it something viable or are people just paying into an opp?
Can anyone use it? Grandmother Mary? Uncle Bob? My boss? My neighbor?
Can I make decent money even if I NEVER enrol another rep/agent/distributor?
Can I promote this ffectively using offline tactics? If yes who would I target?

When I was done, I realized that I was missing out on a whole slew of possible customers and basically shooting myself in the foot and murdering my bank account with all these "earn money doing nothing, even if you've rolled over and died" type programs.

Not one single solitary one of my former opps was of any use to the general public. If they didn't have something to promote, my offerings were about as useful to them as a screen door on a submarine.

I tell ya, after all my eforts and spent money, it was a heartwrenching realization.

If anyone wants me to go through my assessment process with them, I'll do so gladly if it will help you in any way. Just send me an invite pr a PM and we'll arrange a time and a communication method. Just be prepared.... you might not like what we discover.

Anyways, I am going to end my rant there. I hope I got my point across without seeming like a raving madman.

All the best and to your success!

Roy H.

Tim Southernwood

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Re: Info Request - Have you been paid? - Not an Ad
2/22/2007 1:00:52 AM

Hi Roy,

This must be very likely THE best post I've read on ANY forum in a long long time!
I'm probably just as guilty of chasing the "rainbow" as you or anyone else, although I do like to think I try to only get into systems that at least fit some of your criteria listed above.

Until just recently, I don't think anything I was in would make a passing grade according to that criteria, but my newest venture I think has at least met 4 of the 5 if not all 5.

So, some might say..put it to the test.

So Roy, I'm asking you to evaluate this company SiteWizardSEO and respond here in this forum for all to see. I believe you'll be objective and I'm fairly confident this new company can make a passing grade.

Thanks for your terrific post, and I look forward to what you have to say.

Best regards,

Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle

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