G'day Dave, I have only been a member of adland for a short time, but have found your forums to be interesting, and have a lot of commonsense, not to mention informative.
Speaking of commonsense, why do they call it that when it does not seem to be very common anymore?? Just something for the readers to think about!!
I have used some of the information that you have shared with us & now await the results. I actually do not sell a product, I simply write a blog, and am trying to get more traffic to it.
Good lord, there's a thought and a lesson. It has just occured to me that the product that I'm selling is my blog, I really do have a product to sell. Now I s'pose I could probably let other people use my traffic to promote there site, or product, but only if I knew that there product/ site was good.
No, I am not writting this as SPAM, mearly as a different way of getting my point accross, and actually agreeing with you on many of the points that you have raised in some of the forums that you have written.