Well said David, Jo, TGAMM, I have also found that what did not work for me at one point later worked. We are all constantly changing hopefully for the better. We need to get in touch with our body and adjust accordingly. For those who want to try the jungle juices but do not want to pay the high MLM price, I have been taking a jungle juice that is only $14.95 for 32 oz and has 4 of the jungle juices in one, tastes great and has some great testimonies. Click the bottle to read about it I am also taking a very expensive noni juice, $400 a jug, that is not cooked and has not fruit juice to flavor it. So, it does not taste the greatest. It does taste better than the cooked stuff though. I am a tough case. Most supplements do not work for me. I might have found one of the big reasons why. At least Dr. Robert Keller has. He has double blind tests behind his claims also. See these sites: Dr Robert Keller - http://www.herpes.com/Dr.Keller.shtml MaxGXL - http://www.maxgxl.com/index.php It is interesting that this subject should come up right now as I have a good friend who has been pressuring me to join FreeLife. I am like John Partington, I do not like MLM's high prices and I typically stay away from jungle juices. However, it has been awhile since I tried them so... I never say never when it comes to potential help for my body. God knows I need all the help I can get. I hope I have not offended in posting these products. If so, then Dave can manage his forum and delete my post, no need to go to the committy. David