HI Marilyn
HERE's a Few things that might be helpful for our MOTIVATED Friends to work on for 2007 !!!
3 Minute Goal Setting Exercise - Michael J. Clouse
This is FUN and it WORKS!
Get a Blank piece of Paper + a 3 Min Timer
Step 1. Write down everything you want or dream of,,,,! (Write Fast - 50-100 items)
(Business, Personal, Spiritual, Health)
New Car
New Home
Debt Free
Peace of Mind
Lose 50 Pounds
Cosmetic Dental Work
Fund for Starving Children
Earn $25,000 per Month
Tithing $5000/mo to your Church
College fund for your Children/Grandchildren
Step 2 - Prioritize your Goals
Place a number 1 - 10 (represents 1-10 year goals) in front of each goal.
Step 3 - Look at your 1-Year Goals, and label your Top 3 Goals.
Put them in order. Are they personal, business, spiritual, health, or goals you will accomplish by building your Internet business?
- Setting Realistic Goals
It's alright for a 10 year old child to set a goal of
becoming an astronaut. However, this may not be a
realistic goal for a 50 year old person who has never
had training in that direction. Set achievable goals
to avoid setting yourself up for disappointment.
- Set Goals That Make You Stretch
If you make your goals too easy, you will probably never
see your full potential in life and you will develop or
re-enforce a habit of always taking the easy way out. If
your goal is to start working your business an hour a day,
this isn't much of a stretch. Make the goal worthwhile
and something that will make you proud.
- Long Term Goals
Long term goals are usually goals that are set out in a
time frame of many years. Where do you see yourself 5
years from now? 10 years from now? Think about this now
and write it down.
- Intermediate Term Goals
These goals are those you want to achieve in a matter of
a few months to a few years. Maybe you want to be a manager
in your department where you work, so you set a goal and
create a plan to achieve that in 2 years. That's an
intermediate goal.
- Short Term Goals
These would be things that you can do in a matter of
weeks to months. Good examples of short term goals would
be to lose 10 pounds, start reading a book a month, pay
off a small debt, etc.
- Putting Them Together
Long term goals require short term and intermediate term
goal setting as well.
Let's say your goal is to own a house on the lake 10 years
from now. The short term goal might be to get a better
job or a promotion where you work. This might be achievable
within a few weeks or months.
The intermediate term goal might be to get yourself debt
so you can start saving money for your dream home. This plan
might take a few years.
The higher paying job, becoming debt free and saving money
can fulfill the long term goal of living in your dream home.
- Relating This To Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing is also done in steps. You have to
look at where you want your business to be in a month,
next year, 5 years and so on, then work a plan to get
Short term goals would include choosing the right
business, doing some research about marketing and
learning everything you can about it, and laying out
a daily activity plan. Maybe your short term goal
would be to start making $100 a month and you want
to do this within 2-3 months or less.
Your intermediate goal might be that at the end of
your first year of marketing you want to be making
$500-$1000 a month. Maybe the long term goal is that
you want to be making $5000 a month in 3 years.
These goals will be adjustable as you go along. If
your first month brings you $100 instead of the second
or third month, then you need to set a new goal. The
next goal might be $300 a month by the end of the
next month.
If after 6 months of marketing you see that you
are going to be no where near your $500-$1000 a
month goal, you will need to re-think what you are
doing and pick some new businesses or learn new
Always be checking an adjusting the things you are
doing to reach your goals. Don't bring the goal
closer to you, adjust yourself to get closer to
the goal.
To summarize, set specific, reasonable and challenging
goals (short, intermediate and long term), write them
down, work hard towards them, keep checking your
progress and making adjustments, and certainly, never
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