Hi Yvette,
Brokers usually have their own deadlines which are supposed to be 10-14 days before the publication deadline. What they do is buy full pages of ad space and sell smaller portions to advertisers. Then any space that isn't sold, the broker puts his own ads there, he or she makes a little profit on all ad space sold so ultimately they can run their own ads at no cost to themself.
The deadline for Shore to Shore is the 25th of every month. A cheaper way to advertise would be to run several ads together in a large block of space. Such as for STS, a 1-inch ad is $5, and a 2-inch ad is $7, but if you send in two 1-inch ads that are copied together on paper as a 2-inch vertical, you could then just pay $7 for 2 inches of space which is really two 1-inch ads. That would bring your cost down to $3.50 per ad.
Or put 4 one-inch ads together, two across and two down, copied on paper as a 4x5 block, which costs $16, that would actually be 4 of your ads only costing $4 each.
Back to brokering, I think you probably get it but other people might want more info. A full page in STS costs $50, other magazines have different rates, but if you sell 1-inch ads for $4 each which is a dollar less than people would pay directly to the magazine, you can fit 30 ads on a page, ten down in 3 columns. If you only sell 13 of those you earn $52 dollars, you can pay STS their $50 for the 8x11 space, and still have a $2 profit, and 17 inches of ad space for yourself. But you'd have to paste-up the page and make a nice copy of it before mailing it to the publisher. That's not too difficult, ask people to send you their 1-inch display ads, get a ruler and divide your paper into 3 vertical columns approximately 2.75 inches across, and ten ads down each column, one inch vertical for each, use a tiny piece of tape on each side of the customers ads and when you're done with all that, run it thru a copier to get a good copy. Then mail it to the publisher with payment. Your ads won't cost anything and you earn a profit.
Here's the address of a good and quick typesetter, 1-inch ads are $3 plus two stamps, 30 words. You get 18 copies. There are other sizes I'll post tomorrow or you can write to him for all prices, the owner's name is Don Roberts:
Yonah Press, PO Box 19, Houston MO 65483