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Linda Harvey

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Re: Welcome To The 79th Edition Of The Person Of The Week!!!
1/28/2007 4:41:26 PM
Amanda Martin Shaver, Thank you for your story and Congratulations on being the POTW ! Linda
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Welcome To The 79th Edition Of The Person Of The Week!!!
1/28/2007 4:54:05 PM
Hello Pauline,

Thank you for your blessings.  I look forward to more
being given me and I am sure they will come too just
as I look back down my life to where I am now - some
times these blessings have been a long time in coming
yet I can see that I have had many and always an
angel looking out for me as I have had some terrible
accidents and incidences that could have taken my life.

I am glad that my life has a chance to inspire, as I
have been inspired and uplifted from reading other peoples life challenges.

Afterall, one cannot learn about life, the good and bad
side without first hand practice to put to knowledge,
and the challenges that build ones character.

Kind regards
Amanda Martin-Shaver
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Welcome To The 79th Edition Of The Person Of The Week!!!
1/28/2007 5:10:08 PM
Hello Linda,

Thank you for inviting me to be your friend.
I never really thought of myself as remarkable yet
I am very happy being me,  a mother of two
wonderful adults now and having an imput in their
lives that have fashioned them into who they are now.

Wife to James and our different cultures that we had
to work through.  Living in New Zealand I never even
gave it a thought that America could be so vastly
different to NZ because the two countries speak english
as our 1st language, (Australia and England have very
similar cultures to NZ) - Yet once here and I started
to work then the fun began as I realised just how different and diverse it is to live and work in America.
It was so hard at first but now that I have been here nearly 7 years the culture shock is wearing off.

I have had to keep going forward even when the going
got really tough because I could not and did not want to go back -  these hard times do not last that long when you get through them and look back.

Kind regards
Amanda Martin-Shaver

John Rivera

1329 Posts
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Re: Welcome To The 79th Edition Of The Person Of The Week!!!
1/28/2007 5:10:41 PM

HI Amanda

What a Bloody good Bio that was.  A great BIG Congrats of becomming our Queen of the week. Have yourself a Great and Blessed Month. I am happy to ber your friend.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

2587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Welcome To The 79th Edition Of The Person Of The Week!!!
1/28/2007 5:12:37 PM
Hello John,

Thank you for stopping by and your good wishes.

Kind regards
Amanda Martin-Shaver
