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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Person Of The Week
Re: Welcome To The 79th Edition Of The Person Of The Week!!!
1/28/2007 1:16:15 PM
Hello Sam,

Thank you for stopping by.

Kind regards
Amanda Martin-Shaver
Amanda Martin-Shaver

2587 Posts
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Re: Welcome To The 79th Edition Of The Person Of The Week!!!
1/28/2007 1:42:39 PM
Hello Joe,

Thank you for your thoughts, which agree.  I had and
have friends, family through the years whom have
been a solid anchor to me to talk to etc.  And later
years cry on as my late father would not let us cry
because he believed it was a sign of weakness and
'Tears do not get you anywhere' - It took me years
to feel the freedom of allowing those built up tears
to flow.

I remember one lady back in New Zealand telling me
that she had watched me growing up and said I was
resilient - This one word says most about me, I have
been and do get down yet not for long and I pop back
up fairly quickly.

Since meeting and marrying James, for the first time
I have found whom I really am as James accepts me
and loves me 'warts and all'.  James and I have brought
out the best in each other because of our common
background, being the youngest in our respective families and being squashed from being ourselves.
Having the common bond of love from and to the Lord Jesus Christ on our own level and being able to freely express and talk about any subject without boundaries.
This is unconditional love and acceptance to me.

Thank you for the palomino horse, we love riding and are in the process of packing and moving to our own home on 5 acres.  When can we come and collect him? *grin*

Kind regards
Amanda Martin-Shaver

Re: Welcome To The 79th Edition Of The Person Of The Week!!!
1/28/2007 1:42:51 PM

Amanda, thanks for sharing your life's story with us!
Jeannie George "Make your first cup of the day, Organogold"!
Mary Hannan

6209 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Welcome To The 79th Edition Of The Person Of The Week!!!
1/28/2007 2:00:17 PM
Hello John,
Congradulations Amanda! Enjoy your week!
Re: Welcome To The 79th Edition Of The Person Of The Week!!!
1/28/2007 2:25:53 PM
Hallo Amanda,
let me congratulate you, too, even though I do not know you yet.
Would enjoy to become a member of your list of freinds. With you a very enjoiable and successful week.
Warm reagrds
Renate Schedl from Germany
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