Hi Dave,
Thanks for your invitation to this forum and the great information you have provided.
And I thank all the others who have also provided useful information.
Of course, being me I must comment on the lack of logic displayed by one of the posters who keeps harping on never joining any program which is less than two years old.
It is really pretty stupid advice because if everyone followed it, there would be no programs over one year old, much less two years old.
Last, I have joined SOME "FREE" to join programs, in which,
I HAVE earned money!!!
Here is one I recently joined which I think will be another of them.
And so IF you've not gotten into this NEW program yet, you should as it NEVER costs you a cent, is FREE to join and they PUT $10 in your account JUST for joining it!
AND, if anyone wants to join a "FREE to join" program I have been earning $$ in for OVER SIX years, please message me with the e-mail address you want to use for it.
You earn by reading the ads they send you. (one to three ads a day, most days)
Please, Take Care!
"A Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach!"