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Re: Don't Waste your Time...
1/26/2007 10:05:58 AM

Hi David:

Yet one more reason why I purchased the copyright to what is now AMI'S MARKETING MANUAL. " No hype, no sign-ups - just a no non-sence look at marketing and how those in the media get their traffic driven results."

Once again, you did an excellent job.

Joe Buccheri


Re: Don't Waste your Time...
1/26/2007 10:12:41 AM

Thanks, Dave, for all the time and trouble that you went to, and for sharing this with all of us.


Re: Don't Waste your Time...
1/26/2007 10:27:46 AM


Thanks to the invite and the warning Dave, it's appreciated! I disappeared for awhile and are just returning online, so here's a belated...

Happy New Year 2007

Wishing YOU & your family good health & happiness!

Have yourself a fantastic day

Warm Regards

Phillip Black

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Re: Don't Waste your Time...
1/26/2007 10:31:08 AM

Hi Dave,

As always, thanks for the Heads Up.  Generally speaking, if I see "Free", "No Selling", "No Sponsoring" and other such Buzz Words right up front, I generally don't even keep reading.

By the way, if you find anyone who really believes someone is going to give them anything for Free or that the "System" will do all of the work for them, while they just sit back and collect the checks, I have some Ecologically-Balanced Swamp Land in Florida where they might want to locate that Bridge they just bought from you.

Thanks Again,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Trina Sonnenberg

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Re: Don't Waste your Time...
1/26/2007 12:28:22 PM
Hi Dave!

You know what... I am so tired of these free programs that promise the moon and stars, then after you sign up, tell you that you need the upgrade to get them. In fact, I have joined so many affiliate programs in my day, just to check them out, that I must now go through my portfolio and do some weeding.

For everyone who has visited TLC Promotions in the past, please check back in a few weeks, as I am redoing the entire site. I want to trim the fat, so-to-speak, and leave the cream of the crop for you to check out.

I am also trimming some of the networking programs I belong to as well.

The only one I really have benefited from in a business sense is this one:

I've only been a member there for ten days, and already I've made new contacts and have met potential clients. It is awesome. It is incredible, I don't get slammed with ads from other members, I have intelligent conversations with people and there isn't another business community I'd recommend more highly. And, an Adland member showed it to me!

I enjoy reading your forums Dave.

Thank you for being who you are.
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276

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