Hi Sweet Light of AdlandPro, Pauline- I want to at this time thank Mary Hoffstetter. Some time ago, Mary shared pictures of a temple or altar or something magical and powerful built by the people bringing stones. It was a beautiful story. Please ask her to tell you the real deal:) Well without dragging it out-I started this spring to create rock sculptures on my yard with the debris left by the flood and nobody would clean up. (FEMA kept leaving it in a pile or scattered the length of the walk.) This has grown into a project that will have living borders of flowers and rock and brick designs throughout. (Pictures to come, we were so excited today I forgot to get film-yet, we're in the stone ages, but at least it's digital-I use disposable myself).
I will be holding a chess camp for kids in the neighborhood and holding concerts in the garden among my flowers-the first I have ever planted!
I have created a garden of eden right here in my Queendom where the weary former exiles, former refugees, and currently still waiting for the money from the promised land---can sit down, relax, and remember how to enjoy life, if only for a short time. I'm using dirt, rocks, water and adding people. No money needed.
I have spent very little money-no more than I would have spent at the dollar store inside the house anyway or online. I have created a paradise using rocks, bricks, shells, rusty stuff- primarily by dragging stuff from one place in the yard to the other.
These kids are going to bypass the clog in the system that would let them wither waiting to be rescued. Seats will be concrete blocks and wooden planks-all in the yard already. I collect everything, all the time-so if somebody wants something-just keep looking til you come across one!
Thank you all my friends for induging me while my mission has unfolded.