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Re: Ten Things You Should Never Buy Again
1/22/2007 6:13:46 PM

Very true what you have posted Luella. We can look after the enviroment if we choose to do so. Over here in Australia a lot of paper products are made from recycled paper as are other products. For our garbage now we have 2 different types of containers we put out to be picked up by the local councils. Green one is for rubbish that goes to be dumped and Blue for all products that can be recycled and this is a positive step, that has been taken.


Luella May

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Re: Ten Things You Should Never Buy Again
1/22/2007 6:52:15 PM

Hello Judy!

People do need to start opening their eyes.  The handwriting is now on that proverbial wall.  It is time to do things with our environment in mind.


Luella and John

Luella May

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Re: Ten Things You Should Never Buy Again
1/22/2007 6:58:12 PM

Hello Dear Myrna!

You said the Magic Word!  MONEY!  We the people need to stand up and be heard.  We have destroyed our earth enough and now we are just beginning to reap the rewards of our actions.  It is time to let our elected officials know that we voted them in and they were elected to represent us, not their own agenda.

For those not familiar with the issues, join environmental sites and sign up for newsletters where you can learn how to make a difference.

For starters, here is an excellent site:

Hugs to you my dear friend!

Luella and John


Jenny SJ

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Re: Ten Things You Should Never Buy Again
1/22/2007 6:59:02 PM
Hi Luella and John

Thanks for a very useful list of things to avoid when shopping for our homes. 

In order to satisfy our immediate wants - the pretty toilet paper or kitchen towel that goes with the tiles - or the cheaper imported teak furniture that is all the fashion , or the latest advertised cleaning product - we need to be conscious of the medium and long term damage we are doing to the planet we wish to live in and for our children to live in.  It only takes a second extra to read a label and find one that damages less and does the same job and a little thought for tomorrow.


Luella May

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Re: Ten Things You Should Never Buy Again
1/22/2007 7:02:06 PM

Hello Natalya!

Thank you for your absolutely awesome and informative post!

How do we change the world?  One person at a time.


Luella and John


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