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Luella May

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Re: Ten Things You Should Never Buy Again
1/22/2007 3:19:16 PM

Hello Mary,

You are so very right.  Landfills are another major concern.  We have become a lazy society.  It is important that the people get involved and demand that their respective communities do something about cleaning up our environment.  Sometimes they need a little nudge.

There are many more unsafe products found in the link at the bottom which are updated on a frequent basis.

Kind regards,

Luella and John

Myrna Ferguson

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Re: Ten Things You Should Never Buy Again
1/22/2007 3:45:34 PM
Hi Luella,

Great information here.  I just found out the other day that we have a place  we can take all our paper products and they will recycle them.  It sure is going to cut my trash down a great deal.

Being from from Pa and having so many land fills, they are bringing trash in from other states, which I think there has got to be a better way.  And I know there is, but someone is making money so who cares.  I do. 

I do hope in some small way we can make a difference.


Natalya Restivo

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Re: Ten Things You Should Never Buy Again
1/22/2007 4:01:35 PM

Hi Luella,

Thank you for your post.

Sometimes we think that we can't do a lot to improve environment. Maybe it's right, but if we can do a little bit, each of us, in total, it will be a lot.

We use many things that have toxins in them, without thinking about this issue. We use detergents to do laundry, we use household cleaners which kill germ, but also do harm to us.

We should be more responsible for what we are doing.

People polluted not only earth, ocean, air, but also themselves.

Laboratory tests uncovered 171 pollutants in blood and urine from nine volunteers, including an average of 56 carcinogens in each person . 

Though scientists once thought that the womb protected developing babies from pollution, a new study of umbilical cord blood from newborns found an extensive array of industrial chemicals, pesticides and other pollutants, check out

It's time to do something to decrease number of pollutants in our homes and ourselves at least and use cosmetics, personal care, household products that do not contain toxins and carcinogens.

Read an article Pretty Ugly: Cosmetics Ingredients Linked to Breast Cancer? at

Thank you, Luella, for providing us with links where people can find safe products.

I would also offer Neways products that are toxin and carcinogen free, because safety is #1 priority of this American company.

Dr. Samuel Epstein, M.D.

 "NEWAYS has pioneered and succeeded in providing consumers with cosmetics and toiletries free of cancer causing and harmful ingredients and contaminants. I warmly congratulate them on their accomplishments." - Dr. Samuel Epstein, M.D., is the professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at the School of Public Health, University of Illinois Medical Center at Chicago, and the chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition. As the author of the Politics of Cancer and The Breast Cancer Prevention Program, he strongly advocates the use of consumer products that are free from known or suspected carcinogens.

I thinks it would good for everybody to make decision not to buy 10 items that Luella has listed and use safe products. I am sure that this would bring good results. And if people become more aware about things that surround them, they can get more aware about life on our beautiful planet.

Happy, Healthy, Wealthy Live With Neways
Business Opportunity

Steve Baric

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Re: Ten Things You Should Never Buy Again
1/22/2007 5:17:00 PM

Great post. It's funny, but we know most of this stuff...about styrofoam cups and plastic forks...but we go through phases where we don't think about the problems they can cause.

I won't advertise hereso if anyone is interested in non-toxic biodegradable cleaners, PM me for info and I'll show you what I've got available (they work extremely well, by the way!).

And hey, congrats on the POTY!!! Tara and I both voted for you.

Steve Baric
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Ten Things You Should Never Buy Again
1/22/2007 5:45:51 PM

I rarely buy household cleaners and when I do, I use a small portion ONCE and then forget where I put the container!  LOL I'm not big on housecleaning.

I don't buy styrofoam and I use degradable regular paper plates and cups, sometimes we have plastic "silverware" that's funny how its called plastic silverware! 

I do admit guilt about using lots of plastic straws, not for drinking but for mixing fragrance lotion so I don't need to wash eyedroppers, yes it's laziness!  All my lotions are too smelly because I don't measure in drops, I measure by sticking a straw a half-inch deep into the fragrance then dropping it into the lotion, that's too much!  But I don't need to wash eyedroppers.  Oh well.  We're probably gonna get cancer from the lotion AND the extra fragrance but we'll have soft skin and smell like an overly ripe watermelon.


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